The Tulip

Why A Tulip?

April 3, 2014 By Sherri Woodbridge

The James Parkinson Tulip

If you were to see a yellow ribbon logo, you'd think of supporting our troops. Likewise, a pink ribbon being in support/advocating for breast cancer awareness. But a tulip?

Ah, the tulip. Red, at that. Unlike the red rose, the red tulip doesn't symbolize love, but is a symbol adopted by the Parkinson's community worldwide to bring awareness to Parkinson's disease.

On April 11, 2005, the red tulip with a fringe of white was launched as the official symbol of PD at the 9th World Parkinson's disease Day Conference in Luxembourg (even though the red tulip had been associated with Parkinson's awareness since the early 1980's).

The tulip is described in detail as the exterior being a glowing cardinal red, small feathered white edge, the outer base whitish; the inside, a currant-red to turkey-red, broad feathered white edge, anthers pale yellow”.

Developed by Dutch horticulturist and Parkinson's disease patient J.W.S. Van der Wereld, the new tulip was named after Dr. James Parkinson, the doctor who discovered Parkinson's disease. Not only did the tulip receive the Award of Merit that year from the Royal Horticultural Society in England, but it also was the recipient of the Trial Garden Award from the Royal General Bulb Growers of Holland.