29 July 2010 - London to Dover, UK

29 June 2010 Dover, UK

I am in Dover, booked into a country hotel. Done 120 miles and the bike feels great. I finally feel that the adventure have started!

Tomorrow morning early I have to be at the ferry terminal to cross over into France..

Looking forward to a nice cold one. Not too tired, tomorrow will be a long day as I want to be in Reims, France tomorrow night.

Attached is a video of my departure from my home in London, and my route for the next 54 days.

W13 8EW (West ealing, leaving at 12:00 on 29th of July)


Calais, France

Venice, Italy (google fastest route to Italy from Calais)

Venice to Alexandria, Egypt

Alexandria past Cairo to Luxor, then to Aswan,

Ferry from Aswan to Wadi Halfa, Sudan

Wadi Halfa to Khartoum, Sudan

Khartoum to Nimule, South Sudan

Nimule to Tororo, Uganda,

Tororo to Keekorok, Kenya

Keekorok to Karatu, Tanzania

Karatu to Chitipa, Malawi

Chitipa to Lusaka, Zambia

Lusaka to Livingstone Zambia

Livingstone to (through namibia) Shakawe, Botswana

Shakawe to Ghanzi, Botswana

Ghanzi to Buitepos, Namibia

Buitepos to Aroab to Khaais, Namibia

Khaais to Pofadder, South Africa

Pofadder to Kotzesrus, West Coast (my farm)

Kotzesrus to Cape Town.....42 woodhead drive edgemead