Re-2 School District

The Garfield Re-2 School District continues to expand the connections between our students and the amazing environment in which we live. Led by Scott Partan, Garfield Re-2 has had the opportunity to be a member of Garfield County Outdoors (GCO) since 2018. 

Students have had the opportunity to take field trips throughout Colorado to visit many of our spectacular parks, mountains, canyons, and other natural resources while also learning about:

Partnership is key to outdoor education at our schools and Garfield Re-2 has developed relationships with organizations like Garfield County CSU Extension, Roaring Fork Outdoor Volunteers, the Buddy Program, as well as Aspen Center for Environmental Studies (ACES) - a nonprofit environmental science education organization serving our local communities. Currently, ACES helps our students focus on ecological literacy, regenerative agriculture, forest and ecosystem health, land restoration, and environmental leadership.


The 2023-2028 Garfield Re-2 Strategic Plan will improve the focus and resources for our outdoor education programs. We are excited for all of the great adventures to come!

More info coming soon...