Friends of Wyalusing State Park Online Membership

Our mission... to support and promote the educational, interpretive, and recreational goals of Wyalusing State Park. By partnering with park management we strive to enhance and protect Wyalusing’s natural resources.

FOW was founded as a 501(c) 3 nonprofit organization in 1997. All of our activities and money raised are used to benefit Wyalusing State Park and its visitors.

Ongoing Activities

  • Prairie restoration

  • Invasive species control

  • Trail maintenance

  • Sponsoring educational programs and materials

  • Spirits of Wyalusing

  • Paul Lawrence CCC/WPA interpretive Center

  • Additional bicycle and hiking trail construction

  • Visitor center meeting area

  • Nature Center Renovation

We would like everyone to consider becoming a Friend. As our membership grows, so will the scope of our involvement in the park’s future. In addition to the satisfaction of helping to support your park, other member bene ts include:

  • Educational programs for Friends members

  • An opportunity to volunteer and meet people

  • with similar interests

  • Yearly social gatherings

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