Part 2 - Signs of Animal Life

About halfway through part two, look carefully along the banks of the trail. The narrow trails leading to the water's edge were created by beavers as they carried small tree limbs into the water. Located along the east shore, at the water's edge, near exposed tree roots, is a beaver lodge. The lodge can easily be seen during periods of low water.

Beavers are nocturnal animals. One usually does not see beavers during the day.

Occasionally, a canoer is will see a muskrat swimming.

Near the top of this segment, watch for canoe trail signs. A tree having two trail signs can also be seen. One of the signs will point west, the other east. The easterly marker is for canoers coming in from the Mississippi River.

During high water levels, a few canoers make a wrong turn, following the narrow trail north. Eventually, this will lead into the Wisconsin River, just below the train trestle. If this should happen to you, enjoy the bonus trip. The Wisconsin River current is very swift. You will encounter currents and waves where the Wisconsin River and Mississippi River meet. 

During normal water levels, there will be many stumps and limbs along the north trail making it nearly impossible to navigate to the Wisconsin River.

The large green plant along the shore with arrow-shaped leaves is Wapato.

Bald Eagles frequent this section.