Tribal Data Sharing & Genetics


Aug. 31 - Sept. 1, 2017 | UNM Comprehensive Cancer Ctr


subject to change as details are finalized

NEW! Pre-Conference Session: Wednesday, August 30, 2017, 4-6PM

4:00 - 6:00 PM: Basics of Genetics

Led by Nanibaa’ Garrison and Katrina Claw

UNM Cancer Center Auditorium, 1201 Camino de Salud, Albuquerque, NM

For each thematic area, we have tried to include speakers to represent both Native and Western research perspectives.

Day 1: Thursday, August 31, 2017

Breakfast (provided by hotel or available for purchase at on-site cafe)

8:00 AM: Welcome from UNM Cancer Center

Johnnye Lewis , PhD, Director, Center for Native Environmental Health Research Equity & Professor, UNM College of Pharmacy

8:10 AM: Welcome from the Navajo Nation

Honorable President, Russell Begaye (Diné), Navajo Nation Office of the President and Vice President

8:25 AM: The Charge for this Workshop

Delegate Walter Phelps (Diné), 23rd Navajo Nation Council

8:45 AM: Previous Genetics Research with the Navajo

Clarita Lefthand-Begay, PhD (Diné), University of Washington

9:10 AM: History and Context of the Moratorium

Nanibaa’ Garrison, PhD (Diné), University of Washington

9:35 AM: NIH Big Science Initiatives and Genomic Analyses

Vence Bonham, JD, National Human Genome Research Institute

9:55 AM: Break

Session I: Research and Cultural Perspectives

10:15 AM: PANEL: Genetics Research – What we can learn

Moderator: Clarita Lefthand-Begay, PhD (Diné), University of Washington

Pharmacogenomics with Northwest and Alaska tribes - Katrina Claw, PhD (Diné), University of Washington

One Health Initiative: Interdisciplinary collaborations and communications in all aspects of health care for humans, animals and the environment - Gilbert John , PhD (Diné), Colorado State University

Mine Waste Exposures, Epigenetic Changes & Risk - Johnnye Lewis , PhD, Director, Center for Native Environmental Health Research Equity & Professor, UNM College of Pharmacy

Cancer – Susceptibility and Treatment - Cheryl Willman, MD, Director and CEO, UNM Comprehensive Cancer Center

11:45 AM: Lunch (provided on site by UNM Comprehensive Cancer Center)

1:00 PM : PANEL: Cultural & Spiritual Perspectives on Genetics

Moderator: David Begay, PhD (Diné), The University of New Mexico & Navajo Nation Human Research Review Board

Delegate Johnathan Hale (Diné), Chairman, Health Education and Human Services Committee, 23rd Navajo Nation Council

Beverly Becenti-Pigman (Diné), Chair, Navajo Nation Human Research Review Board,

Michelle Kahn-John, PhD RN (Diné), Diné Hataałii Association

Kenneth Maryboy (Diné), Diné Medicine Man’s Association (pending)

Steve Benally (Diné), Azee’ Bee Nahagha of Diné Nation

Representative from Pueblos (TBD, Abq Area IRB)

2:30 PM: Patient/Family/Community Perspectives

Moderator: Nanibaa’ Garrison, PhD (Diné), University of Washington

Yolanda Sandoval-Nez (Diné), Parent, Native Disability Law

Janene Yazzie (Diné), Participant, Navajo Birth Cohort Study

Cancer survivor , TBD

3:00 PM: Break

3:15 PM: Breakout Session 1: Identify needs to be addressed in developing policy

Strand 1: Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment Needs

Strand 2: Policy Development Needs

Strand 3: Cultural Perspectives to Address

Strand 4: Biomedical Ethics Needs

Strand 5: Tribal Nations' Needs

5:30 PM: Reception (on site, sponsored by UNM Comprehensive Cancer Center)

Day 2 – Friday, September 1

Breakfast (provided by hotel or available for purchase at on-site cafe)

Session II: Alternatives and Solutions

8:00 AM: Moving Forward: Integration of Genomics into Healthcare

Moderator: Delegate Walter Phelps (Diné)

Cancer Treatment on Navajo, Lynette Bonar, RN, MBA, (Diné), CEO Tuba City Hospital

Child & Adolescent Development & Genetics, Allanceson J. Smith, MD (Diné), Psychiatry Fellow at the University of California at San Francisco

8:50 AM: Alaska Native People’s Perspectives on Biospecimens Use in Research & Genetic Research

Vanessa Hiratsuka, PhD (Diné) and Denise Dillard, PhD (Inupiaq Eskimo)

9:25 AM: NIH Commitment to improved Policies

David R. Wilson, PhD (Diné), National Institutes of Health

9:50 AM: Break

10:00 AM: Breakout Session 2: Recommendations for effective policies to meet needs.

Strand 1: Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment Recommendations

Strand 2: Policy Development Recommendations

Strand 3: Cultural Perspectives to Recommendations

Strand 4: Biomedical Ethics Recommendations

Strand 5: Tribal Nations' Recommendations

11:30 AM: Discussion and Next Steps

Moderator: Delegate Walter Phelps (Diné), 23rd Navajo Nation Council

1:00 PM: Adjourn

Contact: C.J. Laselute . 505.272.7407 .

© The University of New Mexico New Mexico's Flagship University Albuquerque, NM 87131, (505) 277-0111