Facilities and Services

We guarantee residents their privacy and well-being in a happy and pleasant atmosphere. We also offer every convenience and facility with a warn welcome to anyone wishing to visit

Good Home Cooking - Our cook enjoys creating a variety of mouth watering dishes with as much as possible fresh produce, including traditional favourites. All residents are encouraged into the Sitting Room for a glass of sherry or an alternative drink before lunch. There will be choices provided on the menu and residents preferences are the first consideration when making the menu.

The following services are made available for all the residents.

A chiropodist visits the home once a month.

A hair dresser visits the in-house saloon every week.

We can also arrange for the optician or the dentist to visit the home or we provide transport to the services.

The residents may of course retain their own Doctor if this is practical. However, we offer to arrange a visit by the doctor or accompany the residents to doctor’s surgery. Community nurses visit the residents, as appropriate at when requested by the staff or doctor.

The local Vicar gives Holy Communion once a month followed by the Union church choir who not only sing but also spend time with the residents. Friendly faces, who are specialised in activities for elderly people visit the home every Wednesday. Musical movements is a keep fit program which is organised once a week.

We hold Bingo sessions and quizzes occasionally where everyone can join in the fun-and win a prize. We have a variety of music tapes, you can borrow or listen to in the lounge. An assortment of board and card games is available for your use.

We will help to arrange a shopping trip if you so wish. Alternatively we will buy any goods on your behalf. We encourage residents to join the local Community Centre events where they have Lunch, speakers, bingo, outings etc.

We have four ‘In House’ concerts a year by a semi-professional group of entertainers and make an open house invitation to relatives and friends of the Home. Following the concert we have a Buffet Supper and we also take this opportunity to have a raffle draw which is great fun with the proceeds going to local charities. We are often offered concessionary rates on local theatre and we make two trips for the Summer Show and Christmas Pantomime.