Lower limb injury rehabilitation

Gait retraining

With Dr Kelly Ashford, I have identified how to instruct runners to modify their gait to alleviate injury symptoms.

Our work to date has identified that runners should be instructed using internal focus of attention cues. This means if you want to help runners change their technique you should use clear instructions related to the body's movement.

Our work has also identified that running gait retraining will:

This work is funded by BASES.

Characterising return to play in male athletes

Dr Molly McCarthy-Ryan (PhD student completed) is using a multi-disciplinary approach to characterise rehabilitation of lower limb injuries in professional male Rugby Union.

This work is funded by Ospreys and KESS2.

Movement strategies and injury risk

Ms Holly Jones (PhD student) is identifying how movement strategies are transferred across tasks in male athletes.

This work is funded by Dragons Rugby and KESS2.

Hamstring rehabilitation

Ms Adeline Miles (PhD student) is investigating muscle activation during hamstring exercises and sprint running in male athletes.