Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program

OYAP is a specialized co-operative education program in high school that allows students to explore apprenticeship and consider careers in the skilled trades.  Generally starting in Grade 11 or Grade 12 OYAP is a “pre-apprenticeship” program that allows students to earn credits towards a high school diploma gaining knowledge and experience under the supervision of a skilled professional at their apprenticeship workplace. Also, for many specific careers, the Toronto Catholic District School Board offers a variety of “Accelerated” centrally co-coordinated OYAP programs.  Accelerated OYAP programs formalize training and allows students a head start along the Apprenticeship Pathway post-graduation.

The Ministry of Education of Ontario has provided funding for all guidance counsellors in the TCDSB to develop an appreciation and enhanced understanding of the skilled trades and apprenticeship pathways that may lead to a career path for Loretto Abbey students.  In response to this directive, the Loretto Abbey guidance teacher-counsellors have been provided with a professional learning opportunity with community partners—the College of Carpenters and Allied Trades - Local 27 and Humber College. 

This training is meant to expand our knowledge of OYAP and how it can be brought as an option to our community.

What we have learned:

Benefits of an OYAP program:

Although our students manage a rich and fulfilling co-operative education program in a non-semestered system, our current scheduling platform is not always supported of OYAP and may present a scheduling issue.