Heat and Temperature

Heat vs Temperature Video

3 States of Matter


What is heat? How does heat affect matter and the world we live in? Scientists have tried to understand the causes of warmth and coldness for a long time. Eventually, they developed several explanations for these ideas. Today, scientists explain heat using a theory called the particle theory of matter.

Hot and cold explained further


Heat can travel from one place to another in three ways: Conduction, Convection and Radiation. Both conduction and convection require matter to transfer heat. If there is a temperature difference between two objects, heat will always find a way to transfer from the higher to lower system.

Heat and Transfer Lesson (teach your class)

With your group, take time to research your type of heat transfer. Within the first week of the new year, your group will present a mini-lesson on your heat type to the rest of the class. It is your responsibility to clearly explain the concept, give examples and make the idea memorable. You can make use of classroom books/resources and websites you find trustworthy.

Include in your mini lesson:

- A poster on chart paper to help your learners visualize what you are trying to teach them.

- A one page set of clear notes on your topic. I will photocopy one for each member of the class.(has to be given to me the DAY before your lesson)

- Be ready to present your information and answer questions from the audience.

- Content:

How does the heat exchange work?

What happens?

Examples of how it is used in our world.

1-2 other interesting facts about it.

If your group is looking for a way to begin finding information, take the time to check out the resources below...


Materials expand or contract when subjected to changes in temperatures. Most materials expand when they are heated, and contract when they are cooled. These expansions and contractions result in many changes in our world.

Goal of Activity:

In this activity you will demonstrate your understanding of the following concepts we have learned in class:

· Describe the effects of heat on the motion of particles and explain changes in state

· The four points of the Particle Model of Matter

· Distinguish between heat and temperature

· Describe the effects of heating and cooling on the volume of a substance

Tip for success: pretend like you are using this to teach someone about what you have learned

How to demonstrate understanding:

Time to let your creative juices flow. Below are a couple of suggestions for how to demonstrate your understanding of the four concepts listed above. If you have another idea that is GREAT; just make sure to run it by me first.


· Write a story

· Change the lyrics to a popular (school appropriate song)

· Make a cartoon strip

· Write a script

How can we use our knowledge of heat transfer to understand the world? Why is heat transfer important?

Lake Stratification & Turnover 1:40 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p_k5T2wnPSg

Thunderstorms 101 | National Geographic 3:36 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zUNEFefftt8

Basics of Infrared Heating 3:13

How Do Refrigerators Work? - Refrigeration Explained (2.0) 2:23 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lJMvTICI1PQ

Real World Applications of Heat Transfer Assignment

How Does Our Knowledge Impact Technology?

Historical Homes and Insulation (7.1)

Tipis Step 6: Tipi Living 2:35

Micheal Spears telling story about the tipi. 3:06 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pH2vmzDusgA

Sod Houses 21st Century Sod House 26:17

Traditional Homes: Tipis

Traditional Homes: Sod houses

Pros and Cons of Different Insulation

Check out the following websites for information!

Fibreglass, Mineral Wool, and Cellulose http://www.solar365.com/green-homes/insulation





Types of Insulation Fill in the blank

Types of Insulation chart

Heating and Cooling (HT 7.1)

Visualize a hot day at the beach. What is the temperature of the sand like? What do you need to do to cool down your feet? You could also have students act this out to get them up and moving!

How does heat capacity affect the choice of materials? Would you want a house made of metal? Why or Why not?

Why are emergency relief blankets made from foil?

What is the ideal fabric to wear in the summer?

What is the ideal fabric to wear in the winter?

What material is used to make cookware?

What are some other examples you can think of that relate to heat capacity?

Heat Expansion and Contraction Article

Heating and Cooling Prototypes

You will have to create a prototype design to keep items hot or cold. These items can be for food or drink, the home, or for personal use. Co-construct the requirements for the project and what success may look like.

Present Projects Discussion- What are heating and cooling problems that cannot be solved through science or technology?

Prototype Project



Research a technology that makes use of either CONDUCTION, CONVECTION, RADIATION, EXPANSION and/or CONTRACTION. How to show your findings:
What types of information should you include?
- Name of your technology
- How does it work?
- How does it help the world (make things easier/faster/safer, etc?
- Three interesting facts about your technology.
- At least one image

***You should make use of our class resources and websites you find trustworthy. ***It must be a real-world technology, not from a fictional world (tv/movies, etc)