
Possible Speech Topics

persuade us that doing homework is good/not good for you  

persuade us that watching cartoons is good/not good for you  

persuade us that recess should be longer  

explain why dogs are better than cats (or the other way around)  

tell us why living on planet Earth is better than living on planet Mars  

tell us what happened to the dinosaurs  

show us how to stop a nose bleed  

tell us about the world's largest animal (blue whale) 

tell us about the world's tallest animal (giraffe)  

tell us about the world's fastest insect (dragonfly) 

 talk about air pollution and how to reduce it where you live  

what is the best thing about summer?  

what planet would you like to visit and why?  

what to do if someone bullies you in the playground  

there is/is not too much violence on TV who is your hero/heroine and why?  

if you could have one superpower, what would it be?  

how would you make your school better? 

what is your favorite kind of music and why?  

tell us about your favorite outdoor activity 

tell us about your favorite book  

why everyone should eat more vegetables  

persuade us that drinking soda is bad for your health  

persuade us to recycle tell us  

why too much TV is bad for your health  

Speech Assessment 

Name of speaker_______________

Name of Evaluator ________________ 

Rate each criteria on a scale of 1-4. 1 is low 4 is high. Circle the number. 

1.  Introduction 

-gets attention 

-clearly identifies topic 

-establishes credibility (you feel like they are not making things up) 

-goes over the main points 

Score   1 2 3   4 


2.  Eye contact 

-eye contact with audience almost all of the time-except for brief glances at notes 

Score   1 2 3   4 


3. Use of language 

-the language used is well thought out and makes sense to the listeners. 

-there are no “ums…errs” 

-nothing is done that is extra 

Score   1 2 3   4 


 4. Body Language 

-body language, gestures, and facial expressions adds to the speech 

Score   1 2 3   4 


5. Clarity 

-speaks clearly and everything is loud enough to hear 

-no words are mispronounced 

Score   1 2 3   4 


6. Visual aids 

-visual aids are well chosen and presented 

Score   1 2 3   4 


7. Conclusion 

-reviews main points 

-brings closure 


Score   1 2 3   4