IMHO Reviews Chooses 5 Mindvalley Quests That Can Be Completed in Less Than a Month 

5 Mindvalley quests that can be completed in less than a month By IMHO Reviews

Meaningful change and a new outlook on life are within reach thanks to these five revolutionary Mindvalley quests selected by IMHO Reviews. 

An investment into a Mindvalley monthly subscription unlocks invaluable access to life-changing knowledge that can help anyone take charge of their careers, achieve their goals, and optimize their well-being. 

To help users get started, IMHO Reviews handpicked five quests that will take less than a month to complete. In the end, users will be left feeling empowered and grateful for the investment they made for themselves. 

"Many people overlook the value of Mindvalley because of the higher price tag compared to other online learning platforms,” Vitaliy Lano, IMHO Reviews owner said. “It’s an understandably difficult decision to make. Mindvalley has had a profoundly positive effect on my life, and I strongly believe that many more people should be able to benefit from this amazing resource.”

Mindvalley Quests To Finish In Less Than One Month

These quests were chosen for their ability to give learners a well-rounded educational experience without a huge time or financial commitment.

“Whether you’re trying to find the inspiration to get started on a new project, stay motivated while working toward your goals, or just want to hit the reset button on something that’s been bothering you in your life, these Mindvalley quests can help,” Lano said. “Mindvalley invites a wide range of fascinating experts, leaders, and healers to share their valuable knowledge and techniques. I selected these five quests for those who want to experience a profound shift in their lives, but do not want to invest in an unlimited membership to Mindvalley. These quests can be completed in less than one month, so there is no long-term commitment needed.”

This popular quest led by Vishen Lakhiani teaches virtual attendees how to reach the next level in their self-growth journey. Vishen believes that humans operate on four levels of higher consciousness and intuition. Lakhiani, the founder of Mindvalley, specializes in helping people reach their full potential through quests provided on Mindvalley. 

People who have already taken the quest say they feel empowered to be at peace with themselves and go after their goals. Many participants also said they have adopted Lakhiani’s meditation techniques and creative visualizations.  

Duration: 8.2 hours

Learn how to achieve optimum flow every single day to get more done and handle all of life’s challenges with The Habit of Ferocity. Steven Kotler, a journalist, and author who overcame Lyme disease teaches users how to embody ferocity and tackle whatever they need to face every day. 

Past participants said they came away from the quest prepared to work harder toward their goals and dreams. 

Duration: 5.5 hours

Get off the couch and learn how to make the most out of home workouts that are designed to increase strength, improve endurance, and offer more mobility. Mindvalley’s Head of Health & Fitness Ronan Diego de Oliveira leads the seven-day quest that’s based on scientific research and Oliveira’s personal fitness experience. 

Past participants say they not only learned how to work out at home but also feel motivated to stick to a consistent fitness routine thanks to the quest. 

Duration: 4 hours spread across 7 days

Learn how to forge meaningful and lasting connections with professional contacts and career allies in this unique quest. Networking expert Keith Ferrazzi teaches participants how to attract and build great relationships with a wide range of new people. 

People who took the quest say they’ve learned to approach networking logically and spark new friendships.

Duration: 4.5 hours

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Daily habits can impact the immune system, either causing people to repeatedly fall ill or stay healthy and strong. The 29-day quest introduces realistic techniques to optimize diet, breathing, sleep, and movement for maximum immunity. Led by Eric Edmeades, a speaker, author, and scientist, The Immunity Blueprint gives participants strategies to stay well and feel great.

Edmeades former students say they’ve been able to easily adapt the techniques presented in the quest and commit to leading more healthy lifestyles.

Duration: 6 hours

What is Mindvalley?

Mindvalley is an online personal growth education company that focuses on unlocking each user’s potential through short online courses. Mindvalley users can connect through the site’s exclusive social media network.  Transformative quests offer potentially lifelong results within days.