4) Unit Four: The Role of Race in Sports and Popular Culture

"Champions aren't made in gyms.

Champions are made from something they have deep inside them-a desire, a dream, a vision.

They have to have last-minute stamina, they have to be a little faster, they have to have the skill and the will.

But the will must be stronger than the skill."

-Muhammad Ali

Introduction to Critical Race Theory

How is sports a mirror of society?

How can sports be a mechanism to improve society?


By the end of class, you will be able to... identify how culture, race, or ethnicity has impacted your life.

Let's Get Started! We'll view a Ted Talk as a refresher about our course's essential questions.

Ted Talk Response Sheet

Sharing Session + Extra Credit Opportunity

Homework: Revise your Consumer Culture Composition as necessary. Be ready to share your Ted Talk Response sheet at the beginning of our next class.


By the end of class, you will be able to... identify how culture, race, or ethnicity has impacted your life.

Introduction to Racial Issues in Sports and Popular Culture

Let's Get Started! Please take out the Ted Talk two column chart that you completed at the end of our last class. Let's talk about the messages that the speaker shared about the importance of sport in society.

Second, let's each play a Quizlet on the Vocabulary of Prejudice to create a common vocabulary for our new unit.

Next, let's each take a Personal Self-Assessment about Race, Ethnicity, and Culture.

Afterward, each of us will create a Google Drawing that will capture our own experiences, interactions, feelings, and recognition about the role of race in society.

Homework: Finish your Google Drawing. We'll be downloading and posting it on our Unit Four pages of our personal Google websites to start class tomorrow.


By the end of class, you will be able to... analyze a series of digital and visual texts to make sense of disparities in racial diversity and equity in sports and popular culture.

Let's Get Started! Please retrieve your homework: a Google Drawing that will capture our own experiences, interactions, feelings, and recognition about the role of race in society. We'll download it as a jpg and post it on our personal Google websites on Unit 4.

Second, please click through to this text: The Institute for Diversity and Ethics in Sports. We'll review some of the data here about semi-professional and professional sports in order to understand what the racial diversity and equity looks like today in sports institutions. We'll complete a Synthesis Template as we do so, in order to come to understandings about the ways that race and sport do and do not promote egalitarianism.

Third, we'll read in class the following article: "Where Bias Begins: The Truth about Stereotypes"

Homework: Critical Questions for "Where Bias Begins: The Truth about Stereotypes"


By the end of class, you will be able to... analyze a couple of video clips about racial issues in both popular culture and sports.

Let's Get Started! We'll share our homework responses to Critical Questions for "Where Bias Begins: The Truth about Stereotypes". We'll also try to complete a few more synthesis sentences to deepen our understanding of this important life skill.

Next, let's view some film clips and deconstruct their messages and meanings. We'll use this template, called Deconstructing Film Clips with Racial Themes, to track our observations and interpretations. Here is the link to the Vocabulary of Prejudice to help you out.

Film Clips about Race in Society and Sport

Homework: "Where Did All the Activist Athletes Go?" Read and be prepared to debate.



By the end of these two classes, you will be able to.. answer essential questions for our unit:

How does one define one’s self within the larger expectations of society?

How do we “Other” people when it’s hard for us to share our positions and power?

What is our responsibility to ourselves vs. families and society?

The Purpose of Digging beneath the Surface of Race and Society

We are going to begin reading a play with themes that connect to our course about sports and society through discussions of race and racial issues in U. S. society, both historically and in today's society. The play is called Fences, by August Wilson. In order to understand and appreciate this work of literature, it is important to gain background knowledge.

You are going to be compiling a resource bank of artifacts that will help to inform the class about various issues of race and racism in U.S. society, both historically and in contemporary society. Your resource bank will be filled with various texts: photos, headlines, poems, video clips, and audio clips. These artifacts will reflect the period, background, and social situation of the playwright, August Wilson, of the contexts in his play, Fences, and the state of racial issues in the U.S. today.

You will present your resource bank of artifacts to the entire class. You'll tell us what each artifact is, but, more importantly, you will also tell us why it is significant. Wherever possible, try to connect your resources to our course themes. Please do not acquire artifacts from the Jackie Robinson story or the film, 42. Dig deeper. Choose interesting and unfamiliar but informative artifacts. Remember: everybody else in the class is doing the same assignment, so you want to eliminate possible repetition whenever possible. More...

Digging beneath the Surface of Race and Society: The Task

1. You will work together eith one or two assigned students to create a collaborative slideshow. It is important, though, to remember that each student is graded

individually. Check out this Rubric as a guide to expected group and individual performance. Here is the link to the Vocabulary of Prejudice to help you out.

2. You must create two group slides and three individual slides. Your total slides should look like the following:

  • a group cover slide
  • an individual slide that focuses on magazine or newspaper headlines
  • an individual slide that focuses on a poem
  • an individual slide that focuses on a visual statistic about racial discrimination
  • a group cumulative slide

12H Students: Add in a slide of 3 scholarly excerpts with interpretation about the role of race in sports, popular culture, and society.

Check out this Rubric as a guide to expected group and individual performance.

Note: It is important to describe each of the artifacts with a 1-2 sentence caption that explains its meaning and importance.

Remember: Every other student in the class is doing this same assignment, so try to find original multimodal texts --- try not to duplicate the ideas you see that other students have gathered, whenever possible.

Homework: No homework over April vacation! But you should check out some of the resources below in order to get some really good ideas.... You will time in class to work on this upon our return from vacation.

Some Keyword Search Suggestions for Racial Issues

Museum of Tolerance

Gallery Keyword Album

Discrimination Quotes

Suggestions for Contemporary Discussions of Racial Issues

Dr. Carolyn's Storify on Racism and Baseball (and More)

Race: The Power of Illusion from PBS

NAACP: information

ACLU: information

School Data Finds Pattern on Inequality Along Racial Lines

Children at Risk from the Southern Poverty Law Center

"Go Ahead, Admit It" article from CNN

"RACE--- The Power of an Illusion," from PBS

11 Facts about Racial Discrimination

Statistics that Hurt Article

Dr. Carolyn's Model Slideshow for Digging beneath the Surface

Please view this Slideshow that chronicles different ways to recognize the role that racism still plays in the U.S., including Dominant Ideology, Ethnocentrism, and Systematic Racism, through daily Microaggressions. The essential concept that emerges from this slideshow is that we Whites in the U.S. have failed to recognize the genesis of our own White Privilege, thus reproducing racial inequality and fostering much of the race-driven political discourse that we are hearing in our current U.S. President campaigning.

Dr. Carolyn's Model Slide...gging beneath the Surface

Focus Groups: Feedback Notes Doc


By the end of class, you will be able to... identify ways that each of us can be catalysts for change when we can understand racial barriers in contemporary society.

Homework: None.. unless you want to get a head start on reading Fences, by August Wilson...


The link is on the left navigation frame of this website....

Treatment of athletes of color is partially related to White privilege and partially due to different understandings and perspectives around Gender and Sexuality, which is our next unit.

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