Digging beneath Race in Society Inquiry


The Task

1. Each student needs to create a new webpage on his her website. Then your group should assign a webmaster, who will embed hyperlinks to each member's webpage. Call it, "Digging beneath the Surface of Race and Sports."

2. Your resource bank of historic and contemporary artifacts should contain the following:

  • at least 8 photographic images
  • at least 6 headlines
  • at least 2 poems
  • at least 2 sound clips
  • at least 2 video clips
  • at least 1 hyperlink to an article about which we could learn much more
  • at least 1 visual statistic about racial discrimination

Remember: every other student in the class is doing this same assignment, so try to find original multimodal texts --- try not to duplicate the ideas you see that other students have gathered, whenever possible.

Some Keyword Search Suggestions for Historic Discussions of Racial Issues

Negro League Baseball; What is racism?; August Wilson's biography; Hill District, Pittsburgh, PA; Huffington Post--- Black Voices; Pitssburgh Crawfords; Homestead Grays; American Culture History: 1950-1959; "The African-American Odyssey: the Civil Rights Era." U.S. Library of Congress, American Memory Collection; "Blues, Gospel." U.S. Library of Congress American Memory Collection; Podcast from the New York Times about August Wilson's career.

Some Keyword Search Suggestions for Contemporary Discussions of Racial Issues (also look to the curated collection of texts at the bottom of this page)

Dr. Carolyn's Storify on Racism and Baseball (and More)

Race: The Power of Illusion from PBS

NAACP: information found at: http://www.naacp.org/

ACLU: information found at: http://www.aclu.org

School Data Finds Pattern on Inequality Along Racial Lines

Children at Risk from the Southern Poverty Law Center

Implicit Associations Test - https://implicit.harvard.edu/implicit/demo/

3. Describe each of the artifacts with a 1-2 sentence caption that explains its meaning and importance.

4. You have the entire class to compile your resource bank of artifacts and to identify each artifact's significance. Homework: Work for 30 minutes on your resource bank of artifacts.

Student samples from last year: Want to see some Prezi designs for this activity ? Click here. Or here. Or here.

Day #2: Student small group presentations will take place in front of the class. Each student must have a speaking part.