Lab Members

 Dr Jordan Jones

I'm NERC funded PRDA working on the evolutionary ecology of parasitic wasp resistance. 

My particular focus is the interplay of different defensive mechanisms - self medication with ethanol, symbiont-mediated protection and classic immune defences. How do these combine, both in terms of individual defence and the evolutionary ecology of resistance?

Dr Emily Hornett @aquabolina



 I work on host responses to male-killing bacteria. In my PhD and postdoc work, this focussed on the H. bolina- Wolbachia interaction.

My current project is a UKRI/JSPS funded project between Liverpool and the laboratory of Dr Daisuke Kageyama in Japan. We are working to establish the genetic basis of suppression to male-killing Spiroplasma in the lacewing Mallada desjardinsi.

Previously, I was a Marie Curie Global fellow, investigating butterfly-microbiome interactions, as well as researching symbionts in mosquitoes.

Dr Sena Cagatay

I am a TUBITAK fellow studying symbiosis between Symbiopectobacterium and Empoasca bugs. My background is in symbiosis and agricultural entomology, and I am interested in using symbionts to improve pest control.

 Dr Hiroshi Arai


I am a JSPS fellow working on the genetic basis of male-killing and suppression of male-killing.

My work involves butterflies and fruitflies, and Wolbachia, Spiroplasma and male-killing viruses

Nuha Alamar

I am completing my PhD on Interactions between Spiroplasma and Zaprionus fruit flies, establishing the impact of the symbiont on the host and host diet on the symbiont.

I am from Saudi Arabia, and have a MSc from Reading University.

Trefor Simmons

 I am a PhD student working on interactions between Arsenophonus and bees, with particular reference to pollinator health.


Jack Archer

I am a NERC funded PhD student working on Ladybird symbionts and parasites. I am also interested in the use of ladybirds as a biological control agent.

I work with Greg and Helen Roy (CEH) and Andrew Salisbury (RHS)