Buddy For Buddy Project Overvecht Tussenvoorziening

Big Data eCourse

Together with Laudius and another teacher I made a Big Data eCourse in Dutch about what Big Data is, how to analyze Big Data and Privacy & Ethics in Big Data research. With the code: GUISELAINE 10 percent discount (Affiliate).


Board Functions I had

Buddy For Buddy Match

My spv’er told me to do some volunteerwork, although I was already volunteering at my tennis club and working. I said yes and volunteered at Tussenvoorziening as a buddy. The first one was one of the patients of my spv’er and she thought I would be a good match, because I could walk with her one day a week. It turned out that I had to sit on her balcony and talk to her or actually listen to her talking and complaining about the boxes in her house she had to clean. After a few visits and sometimes going for nothing to her home, because she wasn’t opening the door, I told my spv’er I wanted someone else.

A Second Chance At Being A Buddy

My spv'er told me that the Tussenvoorziening could make a better match maybe. I went there and they matched me with someone in the computer, who wanted a buddy to walk with. It turned out to be an old woman, who had amnesia and wasn’t allowed out of her room. I went a few times and she kept telling me the same over and over again and asking who I was and what I was doing there. The last time I was there she was angry I was there, because she didn't want any visitors. With these two experiences I gave up being a buddy till I volunteered at the Buzinezzclub in Eindhoven.

Why The Match In Big Data Didn't Work

The match came from an Excel in which all people looking for buddies where entered. There was a lot of data missing and based on my experience I would say it wasn't up-to-date the data. This is a big problem with Big Data, because the database has to be filled and kept up-to-date. The questions asked from my site and the buddy site where good. Their database is working. The only thing that has to be done is that it is has to be kept up-to-date. This can be done by asking the persons in the database once a year or more frequent if they still want to be in the database and if the kind of buddy they are looking for still matches the profile they sent in. It may cost some time in the beginning, but an up-to-date database will keep Tussenvoorziening and the buddies happy. And there is also contact with the people in their database.