Big Data eCourse

Together with Laudius and another teacher I made a Big Data eCourse in Dutch about what Big Data is, how to analyze Big Data and Privacy & Ethics in Big Data research. With the code: GUISELAINE 10 percent discount (Affiliate).



I followed a Travel Stories course. There I was asked who inspires me with their writing about travel. I had to think about it, because I immediately thought of books, but I read more about being an entrepreneur than about traveling when it comes to books. Until I figured out blogs are also stories and slowly came to the surface who inspired me.

My Adventures Across The World

My adventures across the world Inspired me by daring to take the step from academic lawyer to blogger. She calls herself an unsuccessful backpacker, but has become a successful travel blogger in the space of a few years. In 2013 I met her in Cuba not happy with her life at the time and it clicked and I kept in touch and about a year later she opted for change and became a travel blogger. She describes extensively the locations she visits in her travels and of course also Sardinia, her island.

Vrije Meid

Another blog which inspires me is Vrije Meid. She also left a law career to have more freedom to travel. She inspires in a different way, because she strives for a career besides traveling.

Esther Jacobs

Then I realized that I have a 'travel writer' that inspires me, namely the website Esther Jacobs. The theme of freedom is also very important to her. She inspires, because I recognize the action in her. And the freedom is discussed in all her books and other outings.

Wonderlijk Werken

A newsletter that is about freedom, but then in doing what I want is from Wonderlijk Werken. They always surprise with their perspectives on a subject. That is why I look forward and I am very happy with their blogs and newsletter.

De Blogacademie

I've heard that I should always choose an odd number in my blogs so one more: De Blogacademie. No, no she is not so fond of traveling and is now concerned with the climate. What appeals to me is her willfulness and how she loses herself in a good way in a subject. She wants to know all about it and shares it with everyone in her blogs until she gets tired of a subject.

Writing Style

There are probably more that inspire me, but these are the most important. I love reading these five and I'm a little jealous of their writing style.