General Meeting

Big Data eCourse

Together with Laudius and another teacher I made a Big Data eCourse in Dutch about what Big Data is, how to analyze Big Data and Privacy & Ethics in Big Data research. With the code: GUISELAINE 10 percent discount (Affiliate).


Board Functions I had

Organizations With A General Meeting

A General Meeting is in Dutch an Algemene Ledenvergadering. A general meeting is held each year and brings all members or owners together. ‘Stichtingen, ‘Verenigingen’ and big companies have a board which represent the members or owners of the organization. The board is obliged by law to report the actions and decisions made by them each year. Also how the organization has done and was steered.

General Meeting Procedure

The general meeting has to follow a set agenda during the meeting. The items on the agenda are set by law, Article 2:41. The board has to invite all members for the general meeting in advance with a set agenda. Everything that will be discussed in the general meeting is on the agenda except for the second last item. In this item the members can ask questions or raise items to put on the next agenda of the general meeting.

The Agenda

The agenda is sent with the invitation letter. The letter contains the date and time of the general meeting and the time reserved for each item. During the meeting the chairman is the one keeping an eye on the time for each item. The items on the agenda are (In Dutch):

The order given here must be followed.


The Meeting Itself

During the meeting the members can react on each item on the agenda, when the item is called. The chairman keeps the order during the meeting. Sometimes a member keeps going to an item earlier or later on the agenda. Then the chairman has to ask the member to stick to the item on call or postpone his or her remark or question for the ‘rondvraag’.  During the ‘rondvraag’ the members are allowed to go back to an item earlier on the agenda or raise new items they want to tackle in the next general meeting. Not all items raised will be put on the next agenda. Sometimes the board can answer the questions themselves right away or by giving an expert time to answer the question. If this is not possible the board can answer the question by letter to all members.

Voting Rights During A General Meeting

Each member has one voting right according to the law. In each general meeting the members are voting on the audit committee, board members, annual accounts, and budget. Sometimes there are other issues on the agenda to vote on. The members decide what happens in the organization, but the board steers the organization. The decisions are taken democratically by vote, each member one vote during the general meeting.

After The General Meeting

After the general meeting the minutes of the general meeting are sent to the members with everything in it what happened during the meeting. The members that weren’t there also get the minutes. During the meeting the members vote on the annual accounts and budget. After the meeting the annual report is available also for nonmembers. With the set budget the people doing the work paid or volunteering can make the year plan, action plan. The projects can go on or are started with the big mission of the organization in mind.

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