Big Data eCourse

Together with Laudius and another teacher I made a Big Data eCourse in Dutch about what Big Data is, how to analyze Big Data and Privacy & Ethics in Big Data research. With the code: GUISELAINE 10 percent discount (Affiliate).


My First Step Around The Swimming Pool

I was afraid to jump into the pool during swimming lessons, before another kid pushed me into the water. I was the kid, who could swim but didn’t like jumping in the pool. I was 7, when I got my first swimming certificate.

Going Further With Swimming In The Netherlands

After I moved to The Netherlands and settled in Almere-Haven my parents brought me two times a week (a few times even 3 times) to swim in Bussum. On Sundays I was swimming for more certificates and on Friday I was training for swimming competitions. Part of the certificates was choosing another swimming discipline. For the first certificate after the B certificate I was in the ‘schoonspringen’ lessons and ‘kunstzwemmen’. I traded ‘schoonspringen’ for ‘nostalgische zwemslagen’. I was too young to be allowed to follow ‘reddendzwemmen’. I was very happy with trading ‘schoonspringen’ for ‘nostalgische zwemslagen’, because I was afraid of all those strange jumps I had to make from the ’springplank’.

My First Swimming Competition

My very first swimming competition with my school in Almere-Haven was very successfully. I came in third with my school from all the schools in region Almere. I even swim an unofficial record. The swimming competition was even in the papers of the region, and I still have a certificate to proof I was there.

Swim Training On Curaçao

When I moved back to Curaçao, I had to swim a competition to determine in which swimming group I would be placed. I swam back than about 5 times a week. After a while I was placed in the group, who also trained in the morning. That was too much for my parents, because kids have to be driven to everywhere on Curaçao. I went to another swimming club and swam 3 times a week. It wasn’t enough to compete, and I started doing other sports.

Swimming In My Free Time

On Curaçao my mother has a swimming pool in her garden, when I am there, I swim about 1km each day. On one of my visits I went swimming with dolphins at the dolphin’s Academy on Curaçao. During my studies I swam occasionally in Zeist and Utrecht where I lived.

Swimming In The Dead Sea

Besides Petra the other big attraction of Jordan is the Dead Sea. When traveling in Jordan I was able to swim in the Dead Sea. Actually I can't really swim in the Dead Sea it is more like floating. The water is very salty and very good for my skin they say, but it is water I couldn't stay long in because of combination of the saltiness and the sun.

Learning To Dive

During my Business Economics Studies I had the opportunity to learn to dive as part of the sport lessons. I dived in the cold December waters of Vinkeveense plassen and got my diving certificate. The certificate allowed me to dive twice on Curaçao and once in Jordan on vacations there. It was heaven seeing fish and diving in warm water.

Free Diving On Bali

With my diving certificate I was allowed to follow free diving lessons in combination with yoga on Bali. Free diving is fun, and it reminds me of swimming more than diving, because of the technique that is used during free diving.

Still Swim

I still swim occasionally and went once to see swimming competition of the Dutch talents and some international once in Pieter van den Hoogeband pool in Eindhoven.