Big Data eCourse

Together with Laudius and another teacher I made a Big Data eCourse in Dutch about what Big Data is, how to analyze Big Data and Privacy & Ethics in Big Data research. With the code: GUISELAINE 10 percent discount (Affiliate).


Worked With SPSS

One of the first products I offered with Databeet was SPSS. I then supervised a number of (phd) students in learning to use SPSS. I gained the knowledge of SPSS because I had worked with it a lot during my salaried years since E-Quality, Stogo Onderzoek + Advies, VUMC, Altrecht volunteer, final thesis Urban Geography and Kennisbank Filantropie.


SPSS is a program to run statistical analyses. It's been around for years. At Stogo Onderzoek + Advies, my older colleagues already explained how the program worked in their studenttime. It will always excist, because it serves the convenience of those who can't program. SPSS does everything for me, I just have to give the right input and then I get the right output. This makes understanding and applying statistics even more important. It is especially important to explain the output.


I have followed a number of specialized SPSS courses at SPSS and have been able to apply them in my work. There is also a book that is published every year about SPSS that explains how to find the statistical analyzes in SPSS, Basishandboek SPSS.


What is starting to look a bit like programming is the use of syntaxes. Syntaxes are lines of commands that I give to the program to do the entire analysis and sometimes the cleaning of the data and saving it. It is done in a fixed order. Do not forget to keep the original file or between files. Otherwise start all over again!


With SPSS I can do almost all statistical analyses. It is suitable for both Small Data and Big Data. Statistical knowledge is necceasary to be able to read the output and to know which numbers I do where in the program. Even more important is to choose the right statistical analysis.

Disadvantage SPSS

The disadvantage of SPSS is that it is an expensive program and requires some patience. There are other alternatives, but most of them there is the need to know how to code. Some are free.