It May Cost A Lot Our False Safety

Big Data eCourse

Together with Laudius and another teacher I made a Big Data eCourse in Dutch about what Big Data is, how to analyze Big Data and Privacy & Ethics in Big Data research. With the code: GUISELAINE 10 percent discount (Affiliate).


Inform People About The Closing Of The Gates And How To Get Through The Gates

This year (2017), as a project employee of the NS, I stood at the gates when they were closed for 50%, 75% or completely. My job was to inform people about the closing of the gates and how to get through the gates, but 8 out of 10 the question was what time does my train leave. This was a nice experience talking to travelers with NS and tourists and answering their questions. Still, I was amazed by the gates.

Increase Safety At The Stations

The most common reason for placing and closing the gates is to increase safety at the stations inside the gates and in the trains. Despite this reason, I wonder if this is the way to make our society safer. 

Part Of The Station Is Now Safer, But What About The Other Part? 

Isn't it a social problem that isn't tackled with this measure, because scums continue to exist and commit vandalism and crimes. Only now it has been moved from the closed station to other places in society. This is not tackling the problem, but fighting the symptoms, something like how medicine works.

Couldn't the money spent for closing the stations with gates and cameras be better spent on re-educating society? So tackle the problem and not the symptoms. In Germany the stations are open and relatively safe in my experience. Haven't it just become a control freak country where It tries to control the problem with shutdowns and make it accessible only to those who can afford it. In addition, It hang cameras everywhere to ensure that the control measures are not destroyed.

Shouldn't I Move Towards A Society Of Trust Like The New Economies Operate On The Basis Of Trust? 

To name a few examples: 

These economies function well as there is trust between the parties that trade with each other. Shouldn't it extend this trust further across our society instead of taking control measures? Take away the aggression from the perpetrator by reacting with compassion?

Curious Where Society Is Going

I am curious where society is going with two contradictory movements that are now running past each other: 

I'm for the last one with the help of the first one!