7 Things I Noticed About Berlin

Big Data eCourse

Together with Laudius and another teacher I made a Big Data eCourse in Dutch about what Big Data is, how to analyze Big Data and Privacy & Ethics in Big Data research. With the code: GUISELAINE 10 percent discount (Affiliate).


Berlin, Again

I was for the third time in Berlin. Again for a conference, this time I also managed to squeeze in some exploring time. These are the 7 things I noticed about Berlin this time.

Train Station

The train station is free to wander. No gates like in Holland, which I can't open without a card with money on it. And it works, so why did NS choose to close everything?

Homeless People

Berlin has a lot of homeless people. On every street and station in Berlin they are. Not just one, but a lot. I wonder if it is because of the housing prices that went up through the sky the last years and because of Airbnb.

Public Transport

There are stations everywhere. It seems like every corner of Berlin can be reached. And the card system is simple with A, B and C area. It is definitely cheaper than in Holland and easy for people who don't understand German to figure out how it works.


In Berlin they speak German, and more and more people are speaking English. Which is a good thing with the loads of tourists coming to town. Even if they don't speak English, they are friendly and want to help. I asked for directions, but none of the people spoke English. I got there in the end.


Berlin is the capital of Graffiti. There is graffiti everywhere. Sometimes it is nice or functional and sometimes it is just not art. On the Eastside a whole part of the Berlin wall is decorated with graffiti art.

German Bread

German bread is different from Dutch bread. They seem to use more seeds and nuts. Also the bread is heavier. So I need less.

Curry wurst

It used to be lots of Curry wurst on each corner of the street. Now it is shoarma on each street corner. It is a bit sad; a cultural thing is gone. And I don't need shoarma I can make it myself or buy it in Holland too.