Big Data eCourse

Together with Laudius and another teacher I made a Big Data eCourse in Dutch about what Big Data is, how to analyze Big Data and Privacy & Ethics in Big Data research. With the code: GUISELAINE 10 percent discount (Affiliate).


Board Functions I had

The App Reality Keeper

The App Reality Keeper was made with grants from ZONMW (2x) and price money from Dela. It was originally made for people with mental health to keep track of their Social Media use. I, Adstructie and Stichting Anoiksis developed this during the Dutch Health Hackathon in UMC Utrecht. The plan didn’t win then, but I and part of the team decided to ask ZONMW for a grant and this was given. Later the team got grants to give workshops about social media use and also to inform and prevent online bullying.

From Idea To App

The idea was formed based on our own experience with social media and the TED talk of Mariano Sigman with the title 'Your words may predict your future health'.  With the idea and our experience the team made a plan and a budget to send to ZONMW. After it was granted the team went back to our target audience (doelgroep) to ask them what they thought about the idea and what else should be in the app. The team researched this with a survey and focus groups. Later on after the app was in the appstores the team did the same again.

Reality Keeper

The app was named Reality Keeper. With the feed back the team got a new version was made and the workshops about social media use and inform and prevent online bullying started. This was also with grants for ZONMW. The target audience was happy, but wanted more. It is hard to get funding for developing an app further and without funding the team can't keep the app up-to-date and this means in the appstores.