Farewell To Strijp-S In Style

Big Data eCourse

Together with Laudius and another teacher I made a Big Data eCourse in Dutch about what Big Data is, how to analyze Big Data and Privacy & Ethics in Big Data research. With the code: GUISELAINE 10 percent discount (Affiliate).


How Do I Say Goodbye To Strijp-S In Style?

I lived in Strijp-S, Eindhoven for 2,5 years and saw the marathon runners and runners passing by, but never organized hikers. After my move to Nieuwegein, I found out that the Eindhoven marathon has a walking edition the Saturday before the marathon, the first edition. The perfect farewell in style!

Walking Edition Marathon Of Eindhoven

I registered for the 20 km. The perfect farewell in style, because with the 20 km I mainly walk in the area where I lived. I went to Eindhoven Strijp-S for the start and walked there through parts of Eindhoven that I knew, but also pieces that I did not know. Even though I had lived very close to those places.

Farewell To Strijp-S In Style

The weather was good, read dry. It was already autumn, I needed a coat and sweater. This walk was also a perfect preparation for the 4 Days of Marbella that I would walk later on in 2019. The weather was not comparable, but the distance of 20 km was. Even though I would walk 20 km 4x in a row in Marbella.

The Finish

The finish was great, because it was almost at the front door where I had lived. So the perfect farewell to Strijp-S in style. What more could I want in the same street where I lived to receive a medal as a farewell to Strijp-S.

Bye, Bye Torenallee & Eindhoven!

I went to see how Strijp-S developed this year (2021) twice! It was the first time after I left in 2019 that I was in Strijp-S again. It changed a lot. It has become a mixture of Berlin and New York!