WCD Meeting Minutes

West Central District Spring Board Meeting

May 6, 2023

Colonial Gardens Nursery

27610 East Wyatt Rd.

Blue Springs, MO. 64014

10:00 AM

“Let’s Get Down and Dirty and Enjoy Nature’s Gifts”

The meeting was called to order at 10:00 AM by District Director, Rose Bailey-Hammock.

Welcome and Invocation by Rose Bailey-Hammock.

Pledge of Allegiance was led by Rose Bailey-Hammock.

Past Directors in Attendance: Cindy Keesler and Debby Walsh.

WCD Officers in Attendance: Debi Lotspeich, Jennifer Barnes, Patty Orsborn and Rose Bailey-Hammock.

Roll Call with Plant Sale Dates by Debi Lotspeich. Report of Credentials by Patty Orsborn.

21 WCD members were present plus 3 guests.Four clubs were represented.

Raytown Garden Club-10 members. Plant Sale 4-29-23.

Stepping Stones Garden Club-4 members plus one guest. Plant Sale 5-20-23.

Twilight Garden Club-3 members. Plant Sale 5-20-23.

Windsor Garden Club-4 members plus two guests. Plant Sale 5-20-23.

4 WCD Officers

5 Standing Committee Chairs

3 Club Presidents

6 Delegates

We do not have a quorum today. There were two items that Rose Bailey-Hammock, WCD Director, wanted to discuss, but they will be e-mailed to the Board of Directors to look over and vote on at our Annual Meeting in September. We need to vote on a change to the bylaws to use a % and not a number.

A committee was appointed to approve today’s minutes which consists of Cindy Keesler, Patty Orsborn and Leslie Milby.

Treasurer’s Report was presented by Patty Orsborn who reported a closing balance 0f $5,468.27 as of 5-5-23.

A committee was appointed to audit the books for 2021-2023 which consists of Debby Walsh, Ranetta Daugherty and Mary Lou Philpott.

WCD Officer’s Reports:

Debi Lotspeich-2023 Yearbooks

Jennifer Barnes-cards sent by WCD.

WCD Chairman Reports:

Jo Ready-Webmaster-if you have anything you would like posted, just email to Jo.

Susie Artist-Facebook

Marlene Hanson-Ways and Means (see later)

Nancy Huffman-Birds, Butterflies and Hummingbirds

Old Business: Rose Bailey-Hammock

Blue Star Marker at VA Medical Center-As of this date, we are waiting on a response from the VA Medical Center. Possible options, such as the Liberty Memorial or working with the VFW, were mentioned.

Nominative Ballot for 2023-2025 WCD Executive Committee:

Director-Debi Lotspeich

Asst. Director-Cindy Keesler

Treasurer-Marilyn McCahon

Recording Secretary-Mary Lou Philpott

The election will be held at our Annual Meeting in September at which time, any additional nominations will be taken from the floor.

New Business: Rose Bailey-Hammock

The Annual Meeting and Educational Exhibit rotations have been adjusted due to the loss of three clubs last year. There was concern discussed regarding the challenges our smaller clubs would have.

Awards: Rose Bailey-Hammock

State Convention-WCD received the Members of Powell Gardens Award.

Top Yearbooks for 2023:

Club Size 20 or less members: Stepping Stones-100% and Windsor-97.8%.

Club Size 20-29 members: Twilight-96.3%

Club Size 45-69 members: Raytown-98.9%

Smokey Bear/Woodsy Owl Poster Winners: Cheerful Tillers sponsored two State Winners which were sent to Central Region. Those winners were Damon Thomason, 5th Grade, and Gianna Facinoli 3rd Grade.

Purple Ribbon Clubs were rated based on the 2022 Presidents’ reports that were submitted. Purple Ribbon Clubs are Raytown, Stepping Stones, Twilight and Windsor.

Now is the last chance to get in on Rose’s Favorite Things Raffle and Ways and Means table.

We were led in Grace by Nancy Huffman.

A boxed lunch, which had been ordered with registration, was provided by McAlister’s Deli. We were able to enjoy our lunches and visit with each other.


Brian Pirtle, Horticulturist from Colonial Gardens Nursery, gave a very interesting and exciting presentation on Native Plants for Birds and Butterflies. Brian is also known as “Botanical Brian”. All attendees were given a coupon good for 15% off any one item compliments of Colonial Gardens Nursery.


Due to a loss of clubs across the state, there will be a reduction in Districts to 8: NED, with one club, has requested to join MCD and NCD, with one club, has requested to join NWD.

2023-2025 FGCM Executive Committee:

Beverly Wattenbarger-President

Tanya Stanley-First VicePresident

Diane Neterer-Second Vice President

Ellen Eddleman-Third VicePresident

Rochelle Murdock-Recording Secretary


Mary D. Officer-Corresponding Secretary

FGCM awarded a Life Membership to Anna Luellen of Cheerful Tillers.

Save the Date

2023 WCD Annual Meeting-Sept. 16, 2023 in Raytown, MO.

2023 FGCM Fall Board Meeting-Nov. 12-14, 2023 in Jefferson City, MO.

2024 FGCM State Convention-May 6-9, 2024 in Columbia, MO.

More Garden Club Manual edits will be posted in the Garden Forum.

Rose Bailey-Hammock is the new Powell Gardens State Chairman. The last posting of past presidents was 2017. Rose is working to get that updated.

Ways and Means Chairman-Marlene Hanson

Rose’s Favorite Things Raffle-$183.00

Hand Pruner-Marlene Hanson

Herbal Neck Wrap-Debby Walsh

Garden Seat/Kneeler-Patty Orsborn

Ways and Means-$56.00

Grand Total $239.00.

Meeting was adjourned by Rose Bailey-Hammock.



 West Central District

 Sedalia, MO

 September 10, 2022

 “Let’s Get Down and Dirty and Enjoy Nature’s Gifts” 

The meeting, hosted by Sedville Petal Pushers Garden Club, Sedalia, MO. was called to order at 10:00 AM by District Director, Rose Bailey-Hammock. Invocation was given by Cindy Keesler, Past District Director. Presentation of Colors and Pledge of Allegiance by Girls Scout Troop #30199 of Sedalia, MO. A Welcome Address was given by Mayor Andrew Dawson of Sedalia, MO. An introduction of Beverly Wattenbarger, FGCM First Vice-President and Josephine Goodenow, FGCM Treasurer was made by Rose Bailey-Hammock. Linda Houston, FGCM President, was unable to attend due to the passing of her husband a few days prior to our meeting. Rose Bailey-Hammock also introduced the State Chairs, Past District Directors and WCD Officers in attendance. Credentials Report from Patty Orsborn: 28 WCD members plus 2 FGCM Officers plus 1 guest for a total of 31 4 WCD Officers 4 State Chairs 5 Club Presidents 3 Past District Directors 3 District Chairs Of the ten clubs in West Central District, only five were represented. Adoption of the printed program was presented by Rose Bailey-Hammock and was adopted by a unanimous vote.

Reading of the 2021 Annual Meeting Minutes was presented by Debi Lotspeich, Recording Secretary. The minutes were approved with the following corrections: In the last paragraph on the first page, Jeanette “Barrets” s/b corrected to Jeanette “Bartles”, Nancy “Konus” s/b corrected to Nancy “Konkus” and “Ronetta Daughtery” s/b corrected to “Ranetta Daugherty”.

Under Passing of the Gavel, Recording Secretary“Debbie” Lotspeich s/b corrected to “Debi” Lotspeich. Treasurer’s Report from Patty Orsborn reported a balance of $5,344.48. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to accept. The report will be filed for audit. Appointment of Timekeeper by Rose Bailey-Hammock—Cheryl Griffin Reports were given by the Garden Club Presidents and District Chairs. Web Page District Chair, Jo Ready, reminded us of the information that can be found on our webpage which can be accessed by searching “West Central District Garden Club”. This page can also be accessed by searching “fgcmo.org/home/district-clubs, then click on WCD”. Bird, Butterfly and Hummingbird Chair, Nancy Huffman, was unable to attend the meeting, but Rose Bailey-Hammock read the report she submitted. Unfinished Business: Rose Bailey-Hammock reported that the Blue Star Memorial Marker at the KCMO VA Medical Center is being delayed because the VA is in the process of hiring a new Public Affairs Officer. New Business: New form on FGCM website to be used when there are Member Additions, Changes, and Deletions. Debby Walsh reported that the nominating committee had made the following nominations for the next term: Director-Debi Lotspeich, Asst Director-Cindy Keesler, Treasurer-Marilyn McCahon and Recording Secretary-Mary Lou Philpott. The nominating committee consisted of Debby Walsh, Cindy Keesler, Jo Ready, Susie Artist and Anna Luellen. Beverly Wattenbarger presented the FGCM President’s Address and presented Rose Bailey-Hammock with a gift. Beverly requested more scholarship applications. 2021-2022 Awards were announced by Rose-Bailey-Hammock. At the State Convention, the WCD won the 2021 and 2022 S-7 Members of Powell Gardens Award; the S-9 Mae Jean Nothstine Program Award went to Raytown Garden Club; Raytown, Stepping Stones and Twilight Garden Clubs received Purple Ribbon Ratings; Yearbook Awards went to Raytown, Stepping Stones, Twilight and Windsor Garden Clubs and the Art Walk Award went to Cerise Harris of Raytown Garden Club. The WCD presented a Brightest Blooms Certificate of Appreciation to Carol Abbott of the Raytown Gaden Club for the wonderful job she did as president during the 2020-2021 pandemic. Rose encouraged club presidents to recognize members of your club by nominating them for a WCD Brightest Blooms Certificate of Appreciation. State Fair: WCD took home the Blue Ribbon for the Educational Exhibit. Congratulations to Nancy Huffman and the Raytown Garden Club. Windsor Garden Club won the We Dug Deeper Award for the most accumulated club points. Congratulations to Windsor Garden Club.

The results of the Horticulture Show were presented by the Sedville Garden Club. Jo Ready won both the Horticulture of Excellence and Arboreal Awards. Wanda Rasa won the Sweepstakes and two Awards of Merit and Cheryl Ann Griffin won an Award of Merit. Thanks to all who participated in the show. Announcements by Rose Bailey-Hammock: 1) Pioneer Garden Club is officially leaving the Federation after 88 years of service. Thanks to Pioneer for their many years of Service! 2) We are looking for a location for the Spring Board Meeting. Please feel free to suggest a venue for this meeting. An invitation to next year’s annual meeting/installation of officers was given by Cerise Harris, President of the Raytown Garden Club. The date and location are to be determined, so be on the lookout for more information. Ways and Means/Raffle totals were presented by Debby Walsh. The Ways and Means table earned $96.00 and the Rose’s Favorite Things Raffle earned $143.00 for a total of $239.00. The winners of Rose’s Favorite Things were Susie Artist-Kneeler Pad, Jennifer Barnes-Grandpa’s Weeder and Debi Lotspeich-Purple Bucket. The Clay Potters donated a box of gardening supplies. Debby Walsh made a motion to accept the donated supplies and Patty Orsborn seconded the motion. It was accepted by a unanimous vote. Blessing of the lunch was given by Cindy Keesler. Lunch was catered by Great Western Dining Service Shelia Naylor presented a program on Monarch Butterflies. It was very interesting, but alarming at the same time. The decline in Monarch Butterflies and other pollinators is a concern for all of us. The meeting was adjourned with a member from each table taking home the centerpiece. Respectfully submitted, Debi Lotspeich 2021-2023 WCD Recording Secretary

2022 Spring Board Meeting

West Central District

Ascension Lutheran Church

Kansas City, MO 

April 9, 2022

“Let’s Get Down and Dirty and Enjoy Nature’s Gifts”

The meeting hosted by Raytown Garden Club, Raytown, MO, was called to order at 10:00 AM by District Director, Rose Bailey-Hammock. 

Invocation by Marilyn McCahon, Raytown Garden Club.

Pledge of Allegiance

Past Directors in Attendance-Debby Walsh, Cindy Keesler and Donna Freese.

Roll Call by Debi Lotspeich and report of Credentials by Patty Orsborn.

27 WCD members were present (1-Cheerful Tillers, 15-Raytown, 1-Sedville, 4-Stepping Stones, 2-Twlight and 4-Windsor)

4 WCD Officers

6Standing Committee Chairs

4 Club Presidents

Treasurer’s Report was presented by Patty Orsborn who reported an account balance of $6,012.63 as of 9-30-21.  A motion to accept was made by Debby Walsh and seconded by Marilyn McCahon.  The motion was carried by a unanimous vote. Patty also presented the Proposed Budget for 11/21 to 10/23.

The club presidents presented their reports on their activities over the past year and their plans for the future.  Many of our clubs held plant sales this Spring from the end of April through May.  Each club continues to struggle with a decline in participation due to lingering Covid concerns.

Committee Reports were presented. Susie Artist is the Facebook Page chair and encouraged all of us to post entries about the activities of our clubs to our district Facebook Page.  Anna Luellen is the Smokey Bear/Woodsy Owl chair and suggested we work with the Art teachers at the schools.  Nancy Konkus has reluctantly resigned from Ways and Means due to health issues.  We all appreciate and thank Nancy for her service.  Marlene Hansen has accepted the Ways and Means Committee Chair position.  Jo Ready, our Webmaster, encouraged the members to view our webpage, which has been updated.

Brightest Bloom Certificate of Appreciation was awarded to Patty Orsborn, Anna Luellen and Jo Ready.

Audit of books for 2019-2021 was presented by Debby Walsh.


Election of Nominating Committee-Debby Walsh, Susie Artist, Jo Ready, Cindy Keesler and Anna Luellen.  A motion was made by Debi Lotspeich and seconded by Donna Freese and passed by a unanimous vote.

The 2022 FGCM Convention will be held May 2-5in St. Joseph, MO at Stoney Creek Hotel.

Cerise Harris, Raytown Garden Club President, assigned Nancy Huffman the duty to prepare and present our educational exhibit on the Western Painted Turtle at the FGCM Convention.

Rose Bailey-Hammock updated us on the Blue Star Marker for the VA Hospital in Kansas City, MO.  We have budgeted $1,590 for this project.  A motion was made by Debby Walsh and seconded by Susie Artist and passed unanimously.

LUNCH-catered by Panera’s.

Ikebana Demonstration was presented by Sue Looney of KC Ikebana.  For more information you can visit www.facebook.com/KCIkebanakcikebana@gmail.com or call 913-638-4496.

Donna Freese spoke on the WCD Annual Meeting/Flower Show which will be held September 10, 2022, at the State Fair Community College in Sedalia.  The theme is “Mostly Green, a Horticulture Show”.

Rose Bailey-Hammock presented a new idea of raffling tools for aging gardeners.  It was a huge success and helped to add to our Ways and Means funds.  Cindy Keesler reported that the Ways and Means total was $136.00 and the raffle for aging gardeners was $119.00 for a total of $255.00.

The meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Debi Lotspeich

2021-2023 WCD Recording Secretary

2021 Annual Meeting
West Central District

Clinton, MO
September 10, 2021

"Half Grown" Flowers and Friends

Hosted by Twilight Garden Club and Designing Gardeners, Clinton, Mo.

Meeting was called to order at 10:00 a.m. by District Director, Cindy Keesler.

Introduction of State President, Linda Houston and other District Officers and guest.

Invocation by Dr. Randy Shipman, Pastor of First Baptist Church.

Pledge of Allegiance and posting of Colors, VFW Post 1894 Color Guard.

A Welcome Address from Clinton Chamber of Commerce Director, David Lee.

Report of Credentials from Patty Orsborn

               27 WCD members plus the FGCM President for a total of 28

                 4 - WCD Officers

                 3 - Standing Committee Chairs

                 5 - Club Presidents

        There was at least one member present from each of the ten district clubs.

The printed program was adopted.

Treasurer's Report: Treasurer Patty Orsborn reported a balance of $6020.51 . Motion was  made and carried to accept..

District Smokey Bear/Woodsy Owl Chairman, Anna Luellen reported 9 area students went to Nationals and 2 won $25.

We heard from Club Presidents that wanted to report, Covid has caused some Clubs not to meet regularly but have done some activities.

Lunch catered by Melinda Dehn...

Unfinished Business

In 2019 it was decided an update on WCD Bylaws was needed since they had not been updated since 2014. A committee consisting of Rose Bailey Hammock, Jo Ready, Patty Orsborn, Jeanette Bartles,  and Nancy Konkus went over the bylaws and made a revised list and presented the revised list to the meeting. Jeanette Bartles made a motion and Ranetta Daughtery 2nd that motion to approve the Bylaws. Motion carried.

The subject of Past District Directors on the Board of Directors.  Judith Rogers brought up that only the last past District Director should remain on the Board of Directors. Motion was made by Susie Artist and Second by Mary Lou Philpott. Motion Carried that only the last past District Director remain on the Board. 

Susie Artist volunteered to start a West Central District Facebook page. 

New Business

     District Director, Cindy Keesler appointed a committee consisting of members Judith Rogers, Debby Walsh, and Sara Blacklock for an Audit of the books 2019-2021. 

       Debi Lotspeich was appointed the new position of Chairman of District Yearbook Judges.

State President Address

State President addressed the group and announced her theme: Plant America, Help your Neighbor. National theme is: Plant America, Play Outside.  

State Convention is in St Joe May 2 - 5th 2022...


A workshop was presented by Trish Meyers of Gallery 3, Glass into Lighted Beauty. Painted art on glass demonstrated on colored bottles with lights inside. Each Garden Club member was allowed to paint their own bottle to take home complete with lights.


Cindy Keesler announced 4 Bluebird/Hummingbird Sanctuaries were approved in our District.

Passing of the Gavel

State President Linda Houston installed New District Director and Officers

 District Director - Rose Bailey Hammock

Recording Secretary - Debi Lotspeich

Treasurer - Patty Orsborn 

Rose announced her theme " Let's get down and dirty and enjoy Nature's gifts."

Invitation to Next Year's Annual Meeting and Flower Show - Sedville Petal Pushers

Meeting was adjourned with each attendant taking home a concrete pumpkin that was used to decorate the table, also a mum...

Respectfully submitted,

Susie Artist

Recording/Corresponding Secretary