Conflict Resolution In Personal & Working Relationships


In these times of high tensions and stressful living conditions, coupled with our overly mechanistic (modern-science-induced) views of life,

there is much need for all of us to learn how to introspect, and learn how to grow - emotionally, intellectually, and ultimately, spiritually.

In this seminar, some insights here on how we may counsel ourselves and guide ourselves in asking the right questions when our emotions are riding high

in our oft-too-painful interactions with each other.


Download the Original Powerpoint Slideshow

and a Description of this program (MS Word document)

from the bottom of this very page

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Dina's Conflict Resolut... by on Scribd

( One part of this subject is Anger Management, which is dealt with in more detail here: )

Download the Original Powerpoint Slideshow

and a Description of this program (MS Word document)

at the bottom of this very page