Phase II — Healing Our World

Post date: Jul 25, 2010 7:42:04 AM

November 7, 2004

From: Wendy Betterini -

Dear Friends, I am asking for your help in healing our world. There is so much violence and heartache all around us, and within us. The events of 9/11/01 set into motion a chain of events that none of us were truly prepared for. Our world has been unsettled and chaotic since then. The recent presidential election has further added to the chaotic energy, and many people are feeling very disappointed and bitter about the outcome. This is natural. Nearly half of the United States saw the opportunity for a new beginning with John Kerry, and now feel let down and resigned to another four years of the same turmoil and pain. Bush supporters on the other hand, feel very hopeful and optimistic that he can turn things around. Whether you are a Bush supporter or not, it is important to remember that what has come before does not necessarily reflect what will come in the future.

I need to tell you that it doesn’t matter who won the election. You heard me right. We are in the midst of a great shift on our planet, and many things are in a constant state of change. This is frightening and unsettling, but it is necessary. I truly believe that what has happened thus far, was meant to happen. And what is going to happen in the future is also meant to happen, regardless of who is leading our country. The things that are happening in our world right now will continue to play out, no matter who the President of the United States is. This shift is bigger than George W. Bush or John Kerry. It is bigger than all of us combined. There will be many things happening in the near future that we are powerless to change.

These things need to happen, before we can begin to heal. We are in the process of de-constructing the things in our world that no longer serve our higher good. It is painful, frightening and heartbreaking. There will be many more dark days ahead, as the process isn't complete yet. However, we are not completely helpless in all of this, and that is my true message to you today.

Each of us who are living in this time-period are not here by accident. We were placed here purposely because we have the ability to affect change on this planet. Not just physical change, but spiritual change. Never before have so many awakened Lightworkers been consciously aware of their spiritual roles here. Never before have there been so many enlightened children being born. The veil between the spiritual world and physical world is thinner than it ever has been before. More and more people report experiences with the Divine and ?paranormal?. None of this is coincidental. We are in the process of awakening, and once we begin the healing and rebuilding process, our world will never be the same!

What can we do in the meantime? How do we deal with the pain and heartache enveloping our planet right now? Pray. Meditate. Visualize our world blanketed with a shield of healing white Christ light. We need this so badly. Visualize all citizens of our world linking hands and hearts, regardless of which country or state they reside in. Seek inner peace, and spread it to all you encounter on a daily basis. Speak softly and kindly. Do not bash others, gossip or complain. Why? Because those actions create more negative energy. The chaos and violence on our planet is generating massive amounts of negative energy, which affects all of us on a spiritual level, whether we are consciously aware of it or not. As tempting as it is, we need to fight the urge to sink into this negativity. We need to create as much positive energy as we can, to counterbalance the negativity.

Spend time each day in prayer and meditation. It does not matter which religion you practice, or none at all. What matters is that you send kind, loving thoughts to our world and everyone in it, as much as possible. Even those you would consider your enemy?. Especially your enemies.

I also propose two global days of prayer and healing, on Tuesday November 9, 2004 and Thursday November 11, 2004. Many people have been seeing the numbers 9:11 and 11:11 frequently, and some feel that we may be in for an attack on November 11 — Veterans? Day here in the United States. Do not focus on this possibility. Do not lend any fear energies to it. Rather, let all of us focus strongly on healing and light for our world. Light your candles, say your prayers and devotions. Visualize love and peace protecting all of us. Visualize white light for protection, and violet light for higher spiritual understanding.

If you feel moved to continue your devotions beyond that day, it can only help more! At the least, however, please join me in prayer on those two days. It doesn't matter which time zone you are in, or what time of day you pray. Let the entire day(s) in all time zones be filled with love, light and healing for all of us.

Blessings and love to you all,

Wendy Betterini