Online Resources

This page is devoted to media (movie, video, etc) links provided by the church to its congregation of matters we perceive to be of interest to our Spiritual Community. If you have a media link you wish to contribute to this page, please email the church.

We invite you to click the link below to see some videos already provided by your Board of Directors

CCOT Favorite YouTube Videos

Disclose TV

posted Oct 20, 2018, 12:02 PM by The Cosmic Church of Truth Ccot [ updated Feb 8, 2020, 11:39 AM ]

A website dedicated to a unique pool of unfiltered, wide-ranging, non-partisan, independent and highly topical content on a daily basis that can be drawn upon to extrapolate a comprehensive and in many cases startlingly vivid picture of what is taking place.

We advocate the freedom of humans for evolutionary self-determination, through liberating oppressed knowledge and disclosing hidden secrets purposely and unlawfully concealed or simply forgotten over time.

for a variety of news and information check out disclose tv

The Edge: Exploring the Evolution of Consciousness since 1992

posted Oct 20, 2018, 11:52 AM by The Cosmic Church of Truth Ccot [ updated Feb 8, 2020, 11:41 AM ]

The Edge explores all aspects of holistic living — the experience of living authentically, the integrative approaches of complementary healing, eating consciously, the arts, metaphysics and the intuitive arts, our integral connection with nature, spirituality and the mysteries beyond.

Explore the articles and blogs which is updated regularly. Located in the Midwest in USA.

Articles can also be submitted to the magazine through the website.

hope you enjoy exploring the website

Metaphysical News

posted Oct 20, 2018, 11:47 AM by The Cosmic Church of Truth Ccot

To keep up to date with the hottest spiritual, esoteric and metaphysical news

try out IN5D.

The site is updated daily. Many interesting postings, videos and vlogs.

Keep up to date on whats happening.