Study Abroad: Heidelberg

I spent my first month of 2023 in Heidelberg, Germany with my advisor and a tight group of undergraduates. Based at the German Cancer Research Center, we explored bio/molecular imaging and magnetic resonance instruments. It was another wonderful opportunity to learn in a new setting and experience the global impacts of science. 

My three weeks in Heidelberg were full of science, history, and connection. Being part of a small group group of students was very conducive to forging new friendships and sharing collective experiences. 

The city of Heidelberg became our playground for exploring the cobblestone streets lined with brightly colored houses. We marked distance by the location of many churches and bridges in the old city. Our laboratory time was also filled with exploration of magnetic resonance techniques and imaging possibilities. 

Common themes throughout the weeks included “lean in” and “say yes,” which led to stretching new experiences and many memorable moments. I especially appreciated the long dinners and longer conversations over empty bottles of wine—truly a pillar of study abroad.

While my first study abroad experience showed me the capabilities of my independence, this trip revealed my capabilities for human connection: finding my role in the group, learning to trust, and seeking joyful interactions. I very much enjoyed my time in Germany and the resulting educational, cultural, and social growth.