
Searching for Explanations

After my first introduction to the subject in high school, I was instantly fascinated by chemistry. I loved how science was able to answer the "why" of so many everyday experiences, like why sprinkling salt on your driveway helps ice melt or why the sky is blue.

Every class I took after that showed me the expanse of explanations that chemistry offers for physical phenomena in the world. Chemistry impacts every element of daily life, from the chemistry of the human body to the chemistry of climate change. Chemicals make up everything, which means chemistry is an important tool for investigating problems and developing science-backed solutions.

I began my chemistry journey trying to find answers and explanations. However, my research experience taught me that the best research introduces even more questions than it answers. The most exciting research opens new avenues for exploration and invigorates new research paths that can perpetuate discovery.

As I've continued studying chemistry, I realized you can never be done studying chemistry. There is always more to learn. While my academic learning journey has come to an end, I am a lifelong learner and find myself considering new ideas from a chemist's point of view. 

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