paintings 2009

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Fall 2009

Thursday nights at Berkeley City College with Judi Pettite

Self-portrait as chamelion (in progress), acrylic

two thirds of my 'Justice' triptych, acrylic (in progress)

ProArts "Box Art" Benefit Auction

Given a wooden cube, I've recycled layers of old paintings and raw canvas into

Round Whole

ArtSpan Open Studios at Oakdale Painting Studio, SF

Studio mates at Open Studios, Oct. 24

August 2009

back in the studio...

memory of winter visit to Sacramento Valley

July 2009

Berkeley City College - Painting with Alan Scarritt. We're working on cardboard, about the paint,

keeping loose, bright, developing space in the paintings.

match the color of cardboard

9 squares tic/tac bright

size of marks - larger, nearer

practice size, space, glaze



urban landscape

study w/ text

back on canvas...

We're looking at paint, color, color interaction, the mark size and how it affects space perception, overlapping, leaving space, mixing values, keeping the colors bright and the brushmarks 'juicy'.

Spring 2009

Click image to enlarge...

Small canvases, 20x24 and 20x16, from my Monday night oil painting workshop with Larry Robinson

key - in progress

stair - in progress

Acrylic paintings for Judi Pettite's class, BCC spring 2009

'65 Corvair Monzas

Arnold's Choice

"Femme Fatale" Corner

Seeing Double with Bubbles

Feb 2009

Larry Robinson's assignment of small studies: same subject in style of Picasso and Cezanne.

Not quite on the mark, but fun little paintings nonetheless...

oil, 2/2009

oil, 3/1/2009

Three acrylic painting (crops) from Demo workshop Feb 7 using new paint brand: Chroma Atelier Interactive. It blends longer, can be reopened

with water in the first couple hours of drying time, or with a special Unlocking Medium in the first few days. Pretty nice feel on the brush, and

very flexible while blending on the palette and the work.

Jars o' paint

Experimenting, blending, subtracting, scratching

while wet...



dry to touch

with just a

wet brush.

'Interactive" palette 6 hours later