Declarations of Interest

Professor Blakemore has the following declarations of interest (November 2022)

Professor Blakemore currently receives funding from Wellcome, the MRC, the MRC South Africa, the Jacobs Foundation, the Wellspring Foundation and the University of Cambridge. In the past five years, Professor Blakemore engaged in a paid consultancy with Cognita International Schools Group and has provided paid expert witness work for UK charities, legal organisations in the UK and USA and the UK government. Professor Blakemore is the author of two books related to the brain, education and learning, for which she received an advance and royalties. Professor Blakemore gives talks in schools, in the state and private sector, as well as at education conferences and for education organisations, and other public, private and third sector organisations (some talks are remunerated). Professor Blakemore is a member of the Rethinking Assessment group, the Steering Committee of the Cambridge Centre of Science Policy, the Technical Advisory Group for the UK Government Department of Education 'Education and Outcomes Panel-C Study', the Singapore Government National Research Foundation Scientific Advisory Board and the Singapore Government Human Potential Scientific Advisory Board. She was a member of the Times Education Commission in 2021-22.