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In USA, the CALIBER trial (sponsored by Linx manufacturer Torax) has been comparing LINX to PPI therapy for elimination of reflux.

The CALIBER Study Randomized Controlled Trial of LINX Versus Double-Dose Proton Pump Inhibitor Therapy for Reflux Disease (CALIBER)

In UK, researchers are looking for funding to conduct a similar trial. Details of the proposed LINACRE trial may be found here, LINACRE TRIAL, with the hope it may be effective in reducing the risk of Barrett's becoming cancer.

What is known so far:

Preventing Barrett's mutating to Cancer

(Some links from our research news archive)

Stopping reflux (Linx)

MagneticSphincter Augmentation Superior to Proton Pump Inhibitors forRegurgitation in a 1-Year Randomized Trial

Laparoscopicmagnetic sphincter augmentation versus double-dose proton pumpinhibitors for management of moderate-to-severe regurgitation inGERD: a randomized controlled trial

Reflux & EAC

“An intact fundoplication, as assessed with BRAVO wireless pH monitoring, suggests that antireflux surgery may halt the progression of Barrett's esophagus, and this might reduce the risk of cancer development.”

“Regression of features associated with cancer risk was more common after surgery than medical therapy.”

“Antireflux surgery may prevent EAC better than medical therapy in patients with Barrett's esophagus. The EAC risk after antireflux surgery does not seem to revert to that of the background population.”

“Surgical treatment of GERD does not seem to reduce EAC risk.” (Subsequently redacted)

"In patients with reflux oesophagitis or Barrett's oesophagus, antireflux surgery is associated with lower mortality from all causes, cardiovascular disease, respiratory disease, laryngeal or pharyngeal cancer, and lung cancer, but not from oesophageal cancer, compared with antireflux medication."

How PPIs reduce EAC risk?