
This map shows the approximate locations of the majority of our members in 2017

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MEMBERSHIP of Barrett's Wessex is free and open to anyone with Barrett's and related conditions, their families, friends and supporters, who support the aims of the group.

Members do not have to live in the Wessex area.

Advantages of Membership:

    • Receive details of any activities and copies of any newsletters.
    • Attend the AGM. This is an open annual general meeting held in Southampton with an interesting speaker and question and answer session. At the meeting the committee also reports on activities through the past year and plans for the next year.
    • Vote to elect the new committee at the AGM.

To become a member, just send details of your name, address, telephone number and email address to

Your data will be held on our Register of Members in a secure database and not shared with anyone else in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations, 2018.

A copy of our constitution can be downloaded below.

Members' stories.

We are interested to know your story. Do please tell us; we would love to feature you on our site. (Anonymously if you'd prefer.)

I may owe my life to HALO treatment. - Jeff's story

I diagnosed myself. - Chris's story

I owe my life to the HALO machine Barrett's Wessex bought. - Bill's story

I started to get bad chest pains. - Sarah's story

Read Phillip's story here.

Meet our "Cool Food" compiler. - About Glynis

I was having difficulty swallowing. - Hugh's story

I'm very competitive. - Jamie's story

I'm grateful for the donations to Barrett's Wessex - Andrew's story