
This section includes suggested assignments for each of the seven chapters. If you are taking this course for credit, your teacher will indicate which assignments you will need to complete and how. 

For teachers: please feel free to copy assignments into your schools' LMS. 

In this free version of the course the local teachers are in charge of the assessment. We can also offer a complete course solution with LMS, assessment and certification. For more information, contact

Assignment 1

Define entrepreneurship and explain what it means to you. What does having an entrepreneurial mindset mean? Why do employers value entrepreneurial thinking?  Make a mindmap or video about your thoughts. 

Assignment 2

An entrepreneurial person is proactive, customer oriented and considers financial implications of one's action. Describe a situation where you have acted according to these principles. 

Assignment 3

Reflecting on the VIA character test results, choose three strengths and describe what they tell about you.  Analyze how those three strengths are useful in working life and as an entrepreneur.

Benchmark a company in the field you are studying/interested in. What is the impact of the company to society and its services? Have companies in this field faced any major challenges e.g. due to robotization or other global changes? Report on your findings in a format instructed by your teacher.

Assignment 5

What could be your business idea? How does it differ from what is already offered on the market? Do a SWOT analysis based on your thoughts. 

Assignment 6

Take your idea a step further and go through the business model canvas, making lists for solutions under each heading. 

Which type of company would you select for your first business? Why would you make this choice?

Assignment 8

Describe your networks. Whom can you turn to for support in launching your business?