Google Classroom

This short (just under 2 minutes) clip outines the very basics of how to set up and use, Google Classroom. This is a very watchable video which does not aim to bamboozle or share 'tricks' or 'tips' and really does, just clarify the basics.

Some great tutorials to show the key skills when using Google Classroom from @tavslaurie and @NiallRidgway

Using rubrics in Classroom.webm
General quality of work rubric

(Martyn Crawshaw)

Marking and comments in Classroom

(Martyn Crawshaw)

Using comment banks in Google Classroom.webm

Five minute video to pass on some tips to help with setting up Classroom comment banks to mark assignments. They save a huge amount of time and they don't take long to create. By Jeremy Money

(Martyn Crawshaw)

Another introduction to Rubrics and comments in classroom this time also showing the process from the students view. (Martyn Crawshaw)

Rubrics template

This is another helpful overview tutorial which explains the 3 basic reasons why Google Classroom is such a powerful tool for a teacher to use. There are many other features of Classroom which in time, could be helpful, but if you are only using for the first time, these 3 aspects are all you need.

Google Classroom.pdf

Suggested Guidance Around use of Google Classroom from Mr Paton at Grantown Grammar

I have been speaking with SMT about what we can do to help pupils with accessing and completing their work on Classroom after several points were raised yesterday. These issues seem to be affecting a majority of pupils across subjects.

To put it into context, here is just one exchange between myself and a bright 3rd year pupil:

To help with some of these issues, please could we:

· Post tasks on one document at the start of the week and not across 4 separate documents - pupils are being overwhelmed with the number of new tasks and struggling to work out when and what to do.

· Keep instructions as brief and to the point as possible - I am trying to make mine like an algorithm for the lowest ability reader. Put the duration of the task and when it is due in BOLD CAPITALS.

· Only upload Google Docs, Slides, Forms, etc - a large number of pupils do not know how to convert a Word Document or PowerPoint into a Google compatible format. The easiest way for you to convert them into a Google format is to change your settings in Google Drive - See the instructions at the foot of the email.

· Not have too many pictures in worksheets - unless necessary for the task. Chromebooks are grinding to a halt at present and even with supposed 'Super Fast Broadband', some of the worksheets are taking up to 3-5 mins to load up.

· Make sure that if your worksheet references a textbook page, then the pupils have a digital copy of the textbook - I got a request from a pupil to send them over a textbook to help them with their work in another subject. That was a hard no from me.

· Remember that many pupils are now helping to look after relatives and siblings and working with parents. We also have a number of pupils who are now fully employed farmers during lambing/calving time. They are feeling totally overwhelmed by this on top of school work.

· When sending out emails, please put all the information on one email and not keep sending additional emails as pupils are struggling to keep up - I know this is tough as pupils are raising points that then need passed on to all pupils. Use the 'forward' function on the first email to make follow up points.

However, what is incredibly positive is the amount of feedback I am getting from pupils and parents in that we are setting interesting and challenging work.

How to auto-convert files:

Go to Settings in Drive -

Then select Convert Uploads -

It will then take a while for each folder you open to convert the files but it will get there eventually.