
Active Pluto notebooks:

A sample midterm test can be downloaded from here, and another from here

A sample final test can be downloaded from here.

A sample exam can be downloaded from here.

Static versions (HTML files) can be found below:

A sample midterm test can be downloaded from here, and another from here

A sample final test can be downloaded from here.

A sample exam can be downloaded from here.

Some notes regarding tests and exams

  1. The midterm test, the final test, and the exam are open-book tests. This fact means that you can use other notebooks and notes taken in the past to help you during the test/exam.

  2. All the numerical inputs have already been passed into the notebook. So you do not have to spend time doing this type of operation and do not have to worry about inserting the right data into the notebook.

  3. This type of test/exam (using Pluto) allows us to concentrate on knowledge and reasoning rather than the mechanical and repetitive use of a calculator endless times in evaluation moments. A test or an exam should not be a race between a calculator and the clock.

  4. This type of test (using a Pluto notebook) does not require much knowledge about Pluto itself. You only need to know how to write down an answer by everyday use of the keyboard's computer, plus copy and adapt simple mathematical operations to get the answers to simple problems.

  5. If you have studied the macroeconomics contents, Pluto will not be any problem at all. It will help you to learn more and get better grades.

The use of NLsolve to solve (linear and nonlinear) systems of equations is easy. The commands are quite simple:

  1. We have to give a name to our model (model2)

  2. We have to define the variables in our model (x1,x2, x3)

  3. We have to pass the equations into the function that solves the model: ( F[1] , F[2] , F[3] )

  4. We have to name the solution to our model (solution2). Here as we have 3 unknowns, we have to provide three guesses to the solver: [0.0 ; 0.0 ; 0.0] works well for this type of problems.

It is elementary and does not require any significant knowledge of computation. At this level, you do not need to know what is a "function" in computation (pretty similar to what we call a function in mathematics), nor what are the function's "arguments" (also very similar to mathematics).

The essential points of the code on the figure on the right-hand side were explained in Week 2, and it looks very simple. Indeed, it should be very simple for the quality of students we have.