Week 6

The Central Bank Balance Sheet & Monetary Policy Tools**

21 - 25 March

** Parts of two chapters (17 and 18) from the following textbook will be used for this point.

Stephen G. Cecchetti and Kermit L. Schoenholtz (2017). Money, Banking, and Financial Markets, Fifth Edition, McGraw-Hill.


Matching theoretical and practical classes: a review of the theory that is used in practical exercises.


Exercises: the notebook as a static HTML file can be downloaded from here.

You can see it on your browser, navigate on the HTML file, but you can not change it.


Exercises: the Pluto notebook (and data files) can be downloaded from here. **

Remember to keep all files in the same folder on your computer, or in the cloud.

** To get the zip file, click on the link, and then, on the top right corner of your monitor, click on the transfer box (small arrow).

Video da segunda aula prática das turmas FCB1 e FCB2, lecionada por Zoom em 25 de Março.
