Year 3/4

The Year 3/4 phase group is divided into 4 classes. The Class teachers are Mrs Hughes, Mrs Watkins, Mrs Davies and Mrs Simmonds and the LSA's are Miss Jones and Mrs Jones. In LRB 2 we have Mrs MCcarthy, Miss Warner and Mrs Ireland. Mrs Turner covers LRB PPA.

Termly Theme / Topic

Year 3

This term our topic is WELSH WARRIORS. We will be exploring what we would like to learn

about the ‘original’ Welsh Warriors The Celts. We will be going into depth about how they

lived their lives and why they were once known as the most fierce warriors. We will be taking

a trip to see a historical Celtic Roundhouse from Wales as well as living a day in the life as a

Celt’. We will be looking at traditional Celtic tales alongside being creative and making our

own Celtic inspired jewelry. . At the end of our topic we will be holding a Celtic banquet to

celebrate all our hard work and findings! Long live Queen Boudicca!

Year 4

Our topic for the Autumn Term is ‘The Greatest Showman’

with a focus on the circus. We are looking at how the circus

has changed over time. We are doing this through the

expressive arts. We are participating in PE and dance

lessons on the circus- walking as clowns, acting out a

tightrope walk etc. and performing to music. We intend to

visit the No Fit State circus or have workshops in school

from the ABC Opera.

In literacy we are doing recount writing. We are looking at

fictional books and stories with a circus theme- ‘Hetty

Feather’ by Jaqueline Wilson, ‘The Girl Who Walked on Air’

by Emma Carroll and the short story ‘Circus Escape’.

Children will be innovating the story and writing their own

version of it. For non-fiction we will be writing a newspaper

report and creating persuasive posters to advertise the

circus. We will also be discussing when animals were once

part of a circus and producing argumentative writing on this.

In Numeracy this term, we will be looking at place value,

before moving onto the 4 operations of number. Each week

we will be using “Big Maths” in order to further our skills

and improve our maths confidence. Times tables are a big

focus for us, so we will be adding links to multiplication

games and learning resources onto Google classroom that

the children can access at home. (All children have the class

code to access the classroom)

Our PE day is a Tuesday, therefore please ensure that

children wear suitable clothing and footwear to participate

in the activities.

All children will also be given a reading book, please ensure

these are returned to school on a DAILY basis, so that we

can read with children as often as possible throughout the



Important class information:

If you would like your child to have fruit the cost of this is 20p per day. Please send the fruit money in an envelope to your child's class teacher.

Please ensure your child is brought to school and collected on time every day. The class doors open at 8.35am and 3pm.

Useful Websites:




Youtube topic clips

Below are some links that provide some individualised learning for you child:

NB: If your child completes the work, their class teacher can monitor / track what they have done.

Please see our 'Useful websites' tab at the top to give more information on the uses of these programs.

LRB3 have made an amazing video about the first week back - Da iawn pawb - you are working hard already !!!

Year 3/4 Science activities 22.03.2020

Science Tasks 23.03.2020

Click the arrow to open

Copy of Year 3/4 Science activities 20.04.2020

Science Tasks 24.04.2020