A Monster Calls Homework


Task: Read the BBC article on the 'Websites' page called 'Why I wrote a Monster Calls'. In your own words, summerise why Ness has written the novel. Also reasearch and summerise the life of Siobhan Dowd and why she is an important influence on the novel.


Task: Research and define the word 'Allusion' - what does it mean? Choose one of the three mythological figures from the 'Reading List' - explain what might this allusion suggest about the character of the monster?

Research Aesop's Fables

Task: Research Aesop - who was he and what was he most well know for? Choose one of the three fables from the 'Reading List' page and write a summary of this fable in your own words.

Life Writing

In the novel Conor is set a homework to write about one of his favourite childhood memories.

Task: Write about one of your favourite memories that you have: What happend in this memory and why is this a favourite memory of yours?

The Yew Tree

Task: Read the informationon the following website and summerise your findings. After this, write about what this might suggest about the importance of the monster in the novel.

Conor's Diary

Task: Write a diary entry as Conor. In this diary entry consider the following:

  • What does Conor think of his mornings before school?

  • How might Conor be feeling about his current situation?

  • What does he really think about the Monster's stories?