Teacher Workshops

For almost ten years, I have been providing Drum Circle workshops to the pre-teacher music methods classes at the BYU-Idaho Elementary Education Department. I have also presented these same workshops to elementary teachers in schools throughout Utah and Idaho.

The sixty minute after school workshop demonstrates hands-on methods to teach basic drum circle techniques including call-and-response games, basic rhythm drills, and three traditional West African rhythms.

The purpose of this fun workshop is to encourage elementary teachers to adopt a drum circle as part of their music curriculum. The final fifteen minutes of the workshop is a discussion of ways to create such a program including drum purchases, funding ideas, rhythm books, CDs, and DVDs. We also discuss ways to get professional Artists (drummers) to visit school and share their talents with students.

My rate for a Drum Circle Workshop is $40 plus travel ($1 per five miles-one way) and housing expenses (if needed).

Email me to schedule a workshop at your school.
