
How to search:

If no filters are used, it will simply display all 3171 items. You may click on the blue "Title" or the blue "Author" to sort those categories alphabetically (ascending or descending). If your selection produces more than 20 results, use the arrows on the right hand side to scroll through the results.

Multiple filters may be used at once. For example, you could select all the religion books in quarto printed in Spain by using the Genre, Format, and Country filters at once.

White boxes may be used like normal search bars. Simply type in the information you want to search for.

Boxes with plus signs and arrows are drop-down menus of categories that you may select from.

"Owner Death" has a slider to set bounds for the year of death. The same thing cannot be accomplished with the year of publication because of the use of ranges.

If you spot what you believe to be a mistake or you are able to give additional information, send an email to

Explanation of Filters:

  • Archive: You may choose the Archivo Diocesano de Pamplona (ADP) or the Archivo General y Real de Navarra (AGN).
  • Case Signature: This is the ADP's or AGN's unique identifier for this case. If you use information from this site in your research, please be sure to note the Case Signature and which archive the information came from.
  • Owner: The name of the owner
  • Owner profession: their profession or social status
  • Owner residence: Where they resided at their death or where they spent a majority of their time
  • Owner Death: The year they died. This date has been used to narrow down the possible editions for a given title.
  • Transcribed information: The direct transcription from the document. Due to the illegibility of some entries, the transcriptions are more or less accurate.
  • Title: The title of the work identified from the transcribed information
  • Author: The author/s (and sometimes translators) of the work
  • Format: The physical format of the book: folio, quarto, etc. For an explanation of format, see here.
  • Printer: The printer credited with producing the item
  • Country and City: The country and/or city where the book was printed. It is sometimes possible to state the country and/or city where the book was printed without specifying the exact edition because all possible copies were printed there.
  • Year: The year of publication. A single year indicates that it was printed that year while multiple dates or ranges indicate the range of editions that the individual might have owned.
  • Language and Language Guess: Where possible, the correct language of the book has been noted. In cases where the exact language is unknown, an educated guess has been made, indicated by the question mark after the language. Language Guess is the language if the guess were correct. In this way, an exact measurement of the known languages can be made and an estimate of the languages. If a comma appears between two languages, it means that both are used in the text. This is most common for dictionaries.
  • Genre and sub-genre: The genre and/or sub-genre that the book has been placed into. See here for more information.
  • General search: General search allows you to search Title, Author, Genre, Sub-genre, Language, Owner, Language Guess, Owner Profession, Owner Residence, Transcribed Information, Country, City, and Printer all at once