Teacher's Guide


This resource is organized into two major components, this teacher’s guide (where you are now) and a living archive.  The teacher’s guide will describe the course structure- specifically what main in-class and take-home activities comprise the learning process for the material.  Next the guide will provide a topic-by-topic summary of course content, presenting the learning concepts, activities and materials associated with each topic and the readings collected here for each topic.  The syllabus provides sample calendars for both short-term, 1-day and 1-week ethics and robotics lessons as well as a proposed full-semester syllabus for a dedicated class on the subject.

The living archive collects all secondary material relevant to teaching this class.  This includes all source readings and reading questions; project descriptions; lecture and in-class discussion notes; lecture slides, where applicable; project handouts and a sample grading rubric.  I hope to add to this archive regularly based on others’ teaching experiences.  Please contact me with all materials that you are willing to share, and I will post these with full attribution.  Thank you in advance for helping us forge a rich resource for addressing the ethical implications of our fast-moving technology field.