Grading Policy

This course includes intensive reading, discussion and application of the concepts learnt to real robotics projects.  In concert with all of the above, I wish to try a somewhat novel approach to course discussion.  Since ethics is democratic in the sense of being a sensitivity potentially shared by all, I wish to have us try setting up the course discussion as an open on-line forum.  This will enable others to not only view and reflect on our inquiries; it will also enable other teachers to more easily consider using aspects of this class in their own teachings.  All material posted by me and all responses and analyses posted by the students will therefore reside on a publicly viewable site that we will, together, manage during the course’s progression. 

Grading includes all the following components:

Reading analyses: reading responses are due on-line before class begins, because we will discuss these readings in class.  Zero credit will be given for late submissions, and the only possible exceptions to this rule will involve exceptions granted well ahead of the due date for reasons such as travel.  These responses total 25% of your grade.

In-class discussion participation: active participation comprises 10% of your grade.

On-line discussion participation: students are encouraged to respond on-line to others’ responses. While zero on-line participation is unacceptable, extra efforts in this regard will be counted as extra credit and will therefore compensate for poor scores elsewhere.  As a baseline, on-line discussion participation comprises 10% of your grade, but can provide up to an additional 10% extra credit.

Individual news story project: this project comprises 10% of your grade.

Individual medical robotics and QoL final project: this is the most important single project done for the course and comprises 25% of your grade.

Group project presentations: each group presentation is worth 10% of your grade, for a total across the two group projects in which you will participate of 20%