Nota Bene Whippets

2021 Bull x Hero

Bull x Hero pedigree/9 puppies whelped on May 10, 2021

photo: Lisa Goucher

Bull, Windwalker Unbelievabull WRCHX2, SORC

CAER clearance 30 November, 2020

Photo: Hero
photo: Mary Huff

Hero, Mult. Group-winning UCH, Honors Ch Gold Wildabout Heroine Addict CR, RATI, RATN, OTRM

All health clearances at OFA: CHIC #139562 / AKC DNA # V890348

more reports at Whippet Health Foundation (search on dog #7333)

We are very excited to announce Hero whelped Bull's puppies on May 10, 6 males and 3 females. The puppies should improve on Hero's speed while maintaining her exceptional multipurpose abilities. The puppies should be strong competitors in racing, coursing, agility, dock diving, and more. They might even grace the show ring! 10 generation COI of 9.25%.

photo: A. Street
photo: Bull and Hero
photo: J. Black

About Bull

Bull is a dog well-known in the midwest racing community and across the country for being the number one WRA dog nationally in 2014, 2015, and 2016. His talents also extended to the oval track, where he was a dominant force. Now, at almost 9 years old, he has proven himself as an excellent sire of racing whippets. I had Bull's eyes tested in November and he has sparkling healthy eyes, on record with OFA and WHF.

We got to enjoy Bull at our home for a week while Hero was in season, and we love his easygoing, snuggly, friendly attitude. Plus, he's Cora's nephew!

About Hero

Read more about Hero on her own page or check out what Hero has been up to on her activity page. We think she's very special. We love her can-do attitude!

About the breeder

A bit about my experience: I've had whippets since 1998, and love how they can perform in so many sports. I focus on whippet racing primarily, but I love to see my dogs coursing jackrabbits when I can, and lure coursing when I can't. I also enjoy showing Hero. I am very invested in whippet health. Hero has all of her breeding clearances with OFA, a detailed eye report with the Whippet Health Foundation, and she has been tested for genetic diversity and even coat color. The puppies will be myostatin clear by parentage. I plan to BAER test the puppies before they go to their new homes, and I will be encouraging puppy buyers to get routine CAER (eye) checks, for their information, for mine, and for the breed.

I know personally most of the dogs in the puppies' four-generation pedigree, and obviously I think a great deal of the breed type and talent the puppies will have in their ancestry. The puppies' inbreeding results from combining on top and bottom my favorite whippet dog, Eddy, and my favorite whippet bitch, Deil: yep, Cora's parents.

I am a volunteer for Whippet Rescue and Placement, which has given me good experience in how to match a dog to a family. I've been an operant conditioning trainer (Karen Pryor's book Don't Shoot the Dog literally changed my life) since my first whippets arrived. I am passionate about dog behavior, communication, and learning. I will be using Puppy Culture materials, among others (and lots of socialization help from friends and critters) to raise this litter. I am so very fortunate to have the help of experienced whippet breeders I've known for decades to guide me through this new phase of my life with whippets.

photo: C. Wilcox