Our whippets

We share our house with Ticket, Hero, and Franklin, all whippets. You can find out more about them as well as the whippets we have waiting at the Rainbow Bridge, Bart, Elroy, Cora, Feet, Ned, and Sirius.

Bart, Folquin the Sorceror, JC (4-18-94 to 7-9-04)

portrait by Jennifer McNulty
portrait by Yvonne Sovereign

Elroy, Bru El's the Thinker, JC CGC (4-15-94 to 7-28-08)

portrait by Yvonne Sovereign
portrait by Yvonne Sovereign

Feet, DuRight's "Got Feet", WRCh, ORC (6-16-98 to 3-31-14)

portrait by Yvonne Sovereign
portrait by Yvonne Sovereign

Ned, Kemah Dreaded Ned, WRCh (1-30-01 to 6-29-15)

portrait by Yvonne Sovereign
portrait by Yvonne Sovereign

Cora, Windwalker Azeri, FCh, SC, CRX, SR, OTR (6-2-03 to 6-14-13)

portrait by Yvonne Sovereign

Sirius, Bluenote Sirius Black, OTR, RATI, RATN (11-13-08 to 3-15-2022)

portrait by Yvonne Sovereign
photo of Ticket by Julie

Ticket, DawnD'Mar's Pedal to the Metal, CR, RATI

photo by Julie

Hero, Honors CH Gold, UKC CH Wildabout Heroine Addict, CR, OTRM, RATN

photo by Lisa Goucher

Franklin, UKC CH Nota Bene Agrippa BCAT

photo by Julie

Julie was a member of the American Whippet Club from 2000 to 2014. Julie & Paul have raced their whippets with WRA, NOTRA, and NAWRA with their local clubs and around the eastern half of the country since 1999. We've lure coursed under the auspices of ASFA and AKC. We've enjoyed open field coursing a few times & enjoy watching our dogs do what they were meant for with all their heart. Julie and Hero have dabbled in the conformation ring under AKC, UKC, and IABCA. We enjoy the intro levels of Barn Hunt when we don't have other fun activities to attend. We are just now embarking on our first breeding adventure, but can also enthusiastically recommend a breeder in your area. Bart and Elroy came to Julie through a precursor of Whippet Rescue & Placement — she is now a volunteer for WRAP — and she wholeheartedly recommends investigating if whippet rescue might be right for you.