Before School Begins

Below are some helpful tips to consider so your first few days of school are a success.

    1. Ensure all registration and medical paperwork has been submitted to the office.

    2. Get to know your teacher's webpage.

    3. Practice opening a combination locker.

    4. Learn the location of all your classes.

    5. Practice your penmanship.

    6. Label all notebooks with your full name.

    7. Develop a daily after school schedule or calendar. Establish routines that will foster success.

    8. Know your bus number and pickup/drop-off times.

    9. Practice basic math facts and read a book for pleasure.

    10. Practice going to bed earlier.

    11. Iron your clothes (or uniform) the night before school.

    12. Know your emergency phone contact numbers, including home address.

    13. Get parent's permission to create a google email account.

Forms or Links

    • Bus Stop Information

  • Sweep Bus Information (normally begins after Labor Day - permission slip required)

    • Online Meal Application

Other Useful Information

Visit ____________________for weather related school closings.

If staying after school for an activity, be sure to pick your child up promptly at 5:30pm.

Join PTO (parent teacher organization).

Fill out free/reduced lunch form as soon as possible, if applicable.

For Parents: