TRUE LOVE by Lecturizzate

True Love by Lecturizzate


True love is born harvested after a close friendship with someone of the opposite sex

The real and true friendship brings us to know something much more intense and unconditional, this we call then the true love

When there is true love is born a great emotional force which has very superlatives qualities; which they are manifested in an unconditional mutual aid, mutual understanding boundless unprecedented mutual tolerance and above all a great mutual respect superlative

All these qualities add up and result in a real experience of happiness in the couple that has the virtue of having known true love

"True love does not come from an external physical attraction, come within an emotional awareness compatibility of the inner feelings of our beloved"


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Knowing more about our Spiritual Essence


the human being has three important parts to achieve their full development

rational physical part (the mind and the physical body)

the emotional part (the soul, our feelings)

the spiritual (spirit, our theological beliefs)

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Spiritual essence

Spiritual Development and our Spiritual Essence, something intangible that we should have very care.

It is very common to have great attention, at the care of our body, but beyond all these attentions towards our physical body, will be necessary to have most attention toward all care of our Spiritual Essence.

Our human body is somewhat that we present with the physical world, but is changeable, depending on the age of the person. Our Spiritual Essence, is something that will never change.

Our Spiritual Essence is somewhat comparable to a crystal, it always should be possible to see through it, must be fully clean. While more care it be possible have with our Spiritual Essence, will be better to see through it.

The Spiritual cleansing will always be something beyond of all purity known, it will be totally crystalline, it will be somewhat highly transparent, which is very easy to do that be dirty and always need a very strong additional effort, for return your degree of purity crystalline it had in the time to be created.


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