Welcome, now be easier, learn to play the Artistic Piano.

Artistic Piano means when we raise artistically, Melody and Harmony. The artistic awareness, is a process, which depends on the degree of human development as the ability to sensitize all artistic element, primarily the


In one song, there are two main elements:

Melody and Harmony

Melody, is what defines the uniqueness of the song, that is, each song will have its own melody, which makes it different from the other songs.

Harmony, are all musical elements, used to accompany the melody.

To understand better how the above; when someone sings a song, only have the ability, to do with his voice, the melody of the song.

Continuing with the example above, when the singer, use a guitar to accompany, then the guitar will be responsible for producing the Harmony.

The piano is a musical instrument altogether because it can produce at the same time, Melody and Harmony.

It is time, to learn the song Melody Video.

C4 - D4 - E4 - C4

C4 - D4 - E4 - C4

E4 - F4 - G4

E4 - F4 - G4

G4 - A4 - G4 - F4 - E4 - C4

G4 - A4 - G4 - F4 - E4- C4

D4 - G4 - C4

D4 - G4 - C4

Let us be clear, the first part of the Melody

C4 - D4 - E4 - C4

4 next to each musical note, means that we must play the melody in the fourth octave of the piano.

To understand the above, if you look carefully Piano keyboard, we realize that there are seven notes, which are repeated continuously. The seven notes are:

C - D - E - F - G - A - B

The first C that appears in the Piano keyboard, we call:

C1 corresponds to the musical note C more low musical tone (bass tone)

The last C that appears in the Piano, we call:

C8 corresponds to the musical note C more high musical tone (treble tone)

The seven main notes are on the white keys of piano. In any musical keyboard, you will always find the seven fundamental notes with their octaves, on the white keys.

When an electronic keyboard has fewer keys, octaves means you have less available to play a song.

The Piano has the largest keyboard in the number of notes available. A piano has 88 keys.

C1 is the first octave, C4 is the fourth octave.

Now we invite you to look carefully at the following video and try to play the melody with your right hand, as close to the video. You can use a small musical keyboard, just make sure before, placing it in a piano sound.

Now let us understand a little more about Harmony.

Bass and Chords are the main elements of Harmony.

The song's video, uses two fundamental chords. It should be understood by Chord, when three or more musical notes are played together. The C chord is formed as follows:

G2 + C3 + E3

the G chord is formed as follows:

G2 + B2 + D3

you remember, the chords are played with the left hand. The + sign means that you must play musical notes simultaneously.

Try to form and play the chords on your piano or keyboard. Try it, the closest thing to Video.


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Spiritual Development and our Spiritual Essence, something intangible that we should have very care.

It is very common to have great attention, at the care of our body, but beyond all these attentions towards our physical body, will be necessary to have most attention toward all care of our Spiritual Essence.

Our human body is somewhat that we present with the physical world, but is changeable, depending on the age of the person. Our Spiritual Essence, is something that will never change.

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The Spiritual cleansing will always be something beyond of all purity known, it will be totally crystalline, it will be somewhat highly transparent, which is very easy to do that be dirty and always need a very strong additional effort, for return your degree of purity crystalline it had in the time to be created. LECTURIZZATE

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