Welcome GUITARRIZZATE, now you can play very easily many melodies, in your guitar

Now you can use our exclusive Easy nomenclature Guitar: EASYMUSICK

Now, you have the opportunity to learn to play many tunes on his guitar, very easily with our EASYMUSICK Exclusive Encryption

EASYMUSICK understand Exclusive Encryption is very easy

When you play a tune on his guitar , the most important thing you should know :

What is the string to be played , and which position of the arm of the guitar , you must press the string

In the EASYMUSICK Encryption , brackets [ ] appear this information , the string should be played , and where you must press

To know what is the recommended finger should be used to press the string

In EASYMUSICK encryption appear at the first, outside the brackets 3 [ ]

The number at the beginning , outside the brackets , it says, which is the finger of the left hand should be used to press the string

To find out , what is the recommended finger to press the string

In EASYMUSICK will appear at the end, outside the brackets [ ] 2

The number at the end , outside the brackets , it tells you which is the recommended finger of your right hand to pulse the string


2 [third(2p)] 2

You press with your index finger on the third string at the 2 position of the arm ( position 2, guitar's arm ), then you pulsing it, with your index finger of your right hand

for both hands:

1 = thumb

2 = index finger

3 = middle finger

4 = ring finger

5 = pinkie or little finger

Play melody of the video now

2[third(2p)]2 - 4[second(3p)]2 - 3[second(2p)]2 -

4[second(3p)]2 - [first(0p)]2 - [second(0p)]2 -

3[fifth(2p)] + 4 [fourth(2p)] + [third(0p)] + [second(0p)] +

[first(0p)]1 -

4 [second (3p)] 2 - 3 [second (2p)] 2 - [second (0p)] 2 -

3 [second (2p)] 2 -

[fourth (0p)] + 2[third (2p)] + 3 [second (3p)] +

4 [first (2p)] 1

Remember, red nomenclature for left hand actions

and blue nomenclature for right hand actions


Advanced VIDEO




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Spiritual Development and our Spiritual Essence, something intangible that we should have very care.

It is very common to have great attention, at the care of our body, but beyond all these attentions towards our physical body, will be necessary to have most attention toward all care of our Spiritual Essence.

Our human body is somewhat that we present with the physical world, but is changeable, depending on the age of the person. Our Spiritual Essence, is something that will never change.

Our Spiritual Essence is somewhat comparable to a crystal, it always should be possible to see through it, must be fully clean. While more care it be possible have with our Spiritual Essence, will be better to see through it.


The Spiritual cleansing will always be something beyond of all purity known, it will be totally crystalline, it will be somewhat highly transparent, which is very easy to do that be dirty and always need a very strong additional effort, for return your degree of purity crystalline it had in the time to be created. LECTURIZZATE

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